Alright. I'm glad I'm making this now. Sorry for the wait... :c
It's gonna be really bad since it's 4 in the morning. Please help me.
UPDATE! Now it's 7:30 in the morning. And I barely have 200 words. XD
Now it's 9:12. I only have 250 words. >.>
Definite OOC Levi. Sorry?
"Hey (y/n)!" Levi said, walking up to you.
"Hey Leeevi!" You dragged his name out. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.
Awh, childhood. Everything was acceptable then.
You two were living in the underground. As children. Your parents and his were really good friends, until they died. Your parents died from disease. Levi's parents were murdered.
"Do you wanna play a game?" Levi asked you. You nodded your head vigorously as you smiled wide. You took his hands in yours and strolled a vast, empty area where you two would usually just hang around and play.
"What game? Ooh, I'm so excited!" You said, jumping up and down from such excitement.
"I don't know... Maybe we can play Questionz!" Levi suggested, looking into your innocent eyes.
"Ooh! Okay! I love this game!" You announced happily. You continued to stroll down the area with his hand in yours.
Questionz was a game you guys made up when you two were bored. All it consisted of was you and him taking turns asking questions about each other. Like truth or dare, without the dare.
"Okay, how about you go first Levi!" You recommended.
"Hmm... Okay. What's your favorite food?" He said.
"I told you this one already!"
"I forgot."
"(f/f), remember?!"
"Ohhhh yeah!" He smiled sheepishly. "Okay, your turn."
"Who's your favorite person in the whole wide world?"
"You!" He exclaimed, smiling and looking into your eyes. He kissed you on the cheek. You began to blush a little. You giggled and kissed him back.
"You're my favorite person too, Levi! I love you!" You announced, grabbing both of his hands in yours. You both laughed and spun in circles with each other.
"I love you too (y/n)!" He said.
"I don't have anymore questions... I know everything about you already!"
"I know (y/n)! I got a question," he paused, and looked into your eyes, "who do you want to marry when you're older?"
You paused for a minute. Once you got your answer, your eyes beamed with joy. You wrapped your arms around Levi and whispered into his ear. "You, of course."
Levi's face was scattered with pink as he heard what you said. He smirked and hugged you back. You snuggled your face into his neck.
As you guys were hugged, you both were interrupted by screaming and yelling. You let go of one another and turned around. There was a mafia of some sort causing trouble.
"Let's run!" Levi suggested, and you nodded your head. He took your hand in his and ran in the opposite direction.
Little did you guys know, the direction you were heading to was the exit of the underground. The entrance to the world.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Here is an old book about scenarios with you and Levi. Requests are closed. Constructive criticism is definitely tolerated! I would love criticism, honestly. I want to make these stories entertaining and understandable fo...