Songwriter | Famous!Levi x Reader

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a/n at the bottom. please read it.

also: tall and accurate depiction of levi.


My footsteps were barely audible with the horrid amount of people shifting back and forth; the multiple parties of beings entering and exiting each small shop, or just even strolling down the elongated hallways that enlightened everyone.

"(y/n). Stay close to me." He tightened his fingers around my hand, his form becoming closer to myself. The tips of my lips pointed up, a splash of rosemary spreading along the curves of my face. I sighed in agreement, my weighted head tilting over towards his firm shoulder.

As we walked towards the center of the food court, my eyes couldn't help but look up from its focused gaze, and into Levi's expression. He seemed stressed and not at the same time, his body tense but his motions contradicting. Perhaps it had to do with his role of famous singer and public locale.

"Are you okay, Levi?" I asked him quietly, my soft voice traveling to his ear. He huffed out sighs of irritation, his free hand adjusting his aviators and black hood.

"Not really. I wanted to hang out with you but sooner or later I'm going to be trampled by stupid chicks."

"Haha, you're fine. You were asking for it."

"Hey hey, shut it. I didn't think I'd be this popular."

"Yeah, okay," I replied with a sarcastic whip laced within my tone. "Take off your sunglasses and put down your hood."


"I like looking at your face."

My statement caused him to freeze in the spot, his jaw slightly hanging as his gaze was assumed to be directed to my eyes. Instantly after his brief period of shock, he regained his composure and furrowed his thin eyebrows. Weighing the consequences of doing just so, he exhaled heavily before bringing his hand to remove the accessories that rested on his face. With the same hand, he pulled down his hood to reveal his raven-like locks that seemed to frame his head perfectly.

"There," I paused my shortened statement to lean my lips softly onto the smooth surface of his warm cheek. "Much better now."

"Not really," A hiccup in his speech came his way as he looked from side to side frantically. "Now people are going to notice me."

"Ah, shut up. Let's just go get food, okay? If anyone messes with you, I'll make sure to pack a punch...!"

We subconsciously walked down the food court; Levi's head tilting down to make eye contact with my own. A minuscule smirk was just barely evident on his lips, making my eyes narrow in suspicion. "You're cute."

I puffed my reddened cheeks as I tightened my grip around him, my hand coiling as if I were to strangle a small object. His airy, jagged laugh was just noticeable through the thick conversations that surrounded us. We began to pick up our pace towards a certain Chinese take-out shop.

The mixture of aromas that occupied the air of the food court did not only jumble up my sense of smell but as well shifted my appetite to other specific kinds of foods. My mind was screaming for me to get Chinese, but suddenly changed to Italian, and then American... Don't forget Japanese too. My eyebrows were forcefully pushed towards the center of my forehead, a signal of ire and irritation. Levi seemed set on getting the norm, being Chinese, but even then it looked as if he was having a mini debate with his stomach and mind preference. Our stomachs harmonized with growls of starvation, and ultimately, we leaned on each other for physical support.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now