I'm back! :3 I'm back with no motivation/inspiration continuing this story though... But I'll keep writing. I have no idea with scenarios and such. Ughhhhh...
I need to get out of here! There are WAAYYY too many drunk people in this room. I can't stand drunk people. You thought to yourself as you were sitting with Levi, Hanji, Erwin, Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, Bertholdt, Reiner, Olou, Petra and Jean all in one group at the dinner table.
WHY IN THE ACTUALLY HELL IS EREN, ARMIN, JEAN AND MIKASA DRINKING?!?!? THEY'RE ONLY A MINOR!!!! But when Levi's drinking... He's so kawaiiii! Wait, wut?
You blushed furiously as you stared at Levi. These people are way too drunk.
"C'mon (y/n)! DRINK!" Eren, Erwin, and Hanji said in unison. They all stared at each other after they said that, and bursted out laughing.
"Fine!" You said. You took a glass of water and drank it. You splashed the three with the remaining water in the glass. You giggled, as Hanji started screaming. You look back at Levi to see how's he doing. His face is all red, he's sweating a little, he has a grin on (which isn't that common), and he is swaying back and forth. He doesn't even look like he's focusing on anything.
"GUYS! WE SHOULD PLAY SOMMMMEEEE..." Armin started. He fell off his chair, and everyone bursted out laughing. You were about to cut a bitch. You couldn't take this much longer. You forced a laugh, and glared at Armin. You were clenching your fists. Alcoholic fucks.... They shou- Your thought was completely interrupted by the sight of Petra straddling Levi. And Levi looked like he was enjoying it. He was touching her all over, but he had a stoic face on. You would think he would be smiling since he's intoxicated.
"OOH! Look at the the LUVBERDS! HAHA!" exclaimed Reiner. Everyone got silent. You stared at the fucked-up crowd. Moments later, they all started whistling. Petra started grinding on Levi, and Levi was kissing her neck. You were slightly disappointed, since you had a bit of a crush on him. You thought he was hot.
"WAH! GUYS! LeT's PlAy 53 mINUTeS in hEAvEN!!!" Mikasa yelled. Everyone started hollering "HELL YEAH."
"I'm pretty sure it's 7 minutes in Heaven..." You mumbled to yourself.
"EH? WHAT WAS THAT (y/n)????" Oluo said.
"It's seven minutes in Heaven, not 53 minutes. Dumbfucks." You said, whispering the last part to yourself.
"HEARD DAT! DATS NOOOO WAY YOU SHOULD RESPECT YOO HEICHOUUUU!" Levi stated. Damn, he is so different when he's drunk. He got up, and walked over to you. He held you up by your collar. You were pretty short, so he lifted you off the ground.
"S-sir, can you let me dow-" You were quickly interrupted with a kiss. EHH? The hell do I do in this situation?
"OH NOO YOU DON'T BITCH!" Petra yelled. "THAT'S MAH MAN!" She walked over and pushed Levi off of you. She then punched you in the face, but since she's drunk, it didn't really hurt. Levi was on the ground, and started cackling. My god...
"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Chanted from Bertholdt. Everyone took his lead and started chanting along. How the hell aren't they waking anyone up? You decided to shut them up by giving them what they want. You didn't necessarily like her anyway.
Petra stood there, with a defensive stance. She looked like she was going to fall over. You really didn't like her. Everyone circled around you and Petra. You just stood there, hands dangling. No stance, just waiting for her to make the first move.
She eventually ran over to you, yelling, "LEVI'S MINNEEE!" It didn't really seem frightening. You completely countered her tackle. You fell to the ground, and tripped her over by sweeping your leg. After she fell, you straddled her. (I'm making you bad here, kay?) You threw a punch to the nose, punch to the eye, and a slap. You got up and stomped on her stomach. She started violently coughing. You went up to her and whispered in her ear,
"Wake the fuck up." You then got up and yelled,
"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE NOW, OKAY?!?!" You glanced at everyone one last time. You stormed off to your room. Goddamn it, this would make a horrible reputation for meh. But whatever, they started it.
You opened up your dorm door and walked in. You then closed your door and sat on the chair next to the window. You started to tear up. Did Levi only kiss me because he was drunk? Probably... You got up and went to your bed. You lied down and started to sob quietly. You cuddled your pillow and cried yourself to sleep.
What time is it? It's time skip! NO? kay.
You awoke with the sun shining on your face. You remembered what happened last night, and cringed. You got ready and stuff. Do I have to describe it?
You walked out the door and went to go get breakfast. What you saw made you laugh a bit. The same group from last night was all together and it seemed like they were a hungover. You got your piece of bread and sat down with them. You wanted to see what they would do if you joined them. You saw Petra with a bandaged nose and a black eye. Levi looked like he wanted to kill someone. Everyone else just looked dead. You kinda felt bad for Petra, but it wasn't your fault.
They all groaned and looked up at who joined them. Everyone looked concern. Petra was at the most surprised to see you sit with them.
"(y/n)! I'm so sorry from last night!" She cried, and went over to hug you. You laughed awkwardly and hugged her back.
"I should be the one saying sorry..." You said, feeling guilty. Everyone then started apologizing. Levi looked very grim and sad. Eh. At least they don't hate me.
"(y/n), meet me at my office when you are done with breakfast." Levi said. And with that he got up, put away his plate and went to the direction of his room.
You were worried and concerned. You finished your food in a few minutes and headed over to Levi's office. You knocked three times and waited for his approval to enter.
"Name and reason. Unless you're (y/n)."
"It's (y/n)."
"Come in." You opened the door and entered. You close the door then saluted him. He gestured the salute away, and pointed to the chair. He looked very troubled.
"Is something on your mind Corporal?" You asked.
"(y/n). I deeply apologize for my behavior last night. It didn't mean anything. And I understand what you did to Petra." He said, looking ashamed. You were greatly disappointed.
"It d-didn't mean anything?" Don't cry. You are stronger than this.
"I'm sorry (y/n). My heart belongs to Petra..." He was frowning. He didn't sound so happy. Damn it.
"Okay, well I'll be on my way now." You stood up forcefully.
"I didn't dismiss you yet; sit back down."
"No. I don't care." And with that you left and headed to your room. Tears were streaming down your face.
There's nothing to live for anymore...
Well, there's an update XD
I wanted to make a bad ending one so I did
ALRIGHT I'll be on my way now.
Levi: Sit back down!
Levi: *glares daggers*
Alright, PEACE!
Sorry if this was bad. I'll try to improve. I have writers block and this is the best I can do at the moment. Sorry for disappointing. Goodnight, Good afternoon, or Good morning. Bye.
P.S: Give me requests. I need it.
P.P.S: I don't own anything.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Here is an old book about scenarios with you and Levi. Requests are closed. Constructive criticism is definitely tolerated! I would love criticism, honestly. I want to make these stories entertaining and understandable fo...