Magnet | Extrovert!Levi x Cold+Vulgar!Reader

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I couldn't stay away from Levi too long. ;3;

I've talked to a couple people in helping me improve my writing. Hopefully you can see a difference; enjoy!


I sighed in my lowered seat, glaring down at all the paperwork Hanji has messily plopped onto my work desk. A huge stack of white paper with endless lines of black ink clouded my vision. I definitely was in no mood to finish this mass of sheets in one go. My eyes began to droop from fatigue, my body becoming more and more limp as the long day progressed. My brain slowly began to fry from the mental activity it had to go through today.

I leaned back in my supportive, black chair, shutting my eyes painfully. They needed a rest; I was focused in my job for too many hours at once. The small chatter and tapping of keys filled the atmosphere, reaching my ears, leaving me reminded of the amount of work having to be done by the end of the afternoon.

Slowly, my eyelids rose to an open. I moved into my work-space slightly further and grabbed a small chunk of the work having to be finished. Haltingly placing it down in front of me, next to my keyboard, I took some glances and began to work again.

Type this in. Copy this down. Write that up. Remind someone of that. Fax these. Edit those.

It was the same, tedious bore that I had to deal with. Every, single, fucking day.

My hands moving at lightning speed, my boss Hanji came up in front of my field of view and disturbed my work momentum.

"Hey, (y/n)! How's it going over there with those?" She mocked, chuckling at my struggles.

"As you can see, I'm trying to get my work done." I replied, my stoic face somewhat contorting into one of annoyance. My non-dominant hand retracted away from the keyboard to the deep roots of my hair, rushing to brush back parts of it.

"Ahh, but (y/n). I can't leave."

"Yes you fucking can. Get out."

"That's no way to speak with your boss, isn't it, Ms. (l/n)?"

Bringing out the damn last name, are we.

"Maybe I'll be in a better mood if you didn't just give me everyone's goddamn work."

"That's not everyone's...!"

"Then why is there names of my coworkers written on the top corner here?" I pointed to the top left section of the pile of papers that lied on the surface of my space. "See, Eren. Jean. Petra. Olou. Levi. Mikasa. Erwin. Armin. Don't bullshit me."

Hanji's eyes squinted before her lips bent into a devious smirk.

"Why did your voice falter at Levi's name?" Her grin irritating me even further.

Changing the topic too now, huh.

"Because he's an annoying piece of shit. His repetitive conversations and overused voice makes me want to vomit. He needs to learn how to shut the fuck up."

"Whoa, (y/n), you haven't been this vulgar earlier. Levi on your mind?" Her eyebrow wave making me want to punch her in the solar plexus.

I looked away from her and continued my quota of this chore of a job. She squealed slightly in front of me, her eyes looking like they were going to burst any second onto her glasses.

"You do! You do like Levi!" She yelled a little too loud for comfort before running off into another hallway. I groaned in boredom and discontent, my digits tapping away at the black keys. Everyone's attention started centering towards me.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now