"Levi, please be careful..."
"(y/n), of course I will. I love you, remember that."
"I love you too, Levi. Please, don't break your promise!"
"Calm down (y/n). I will return. Now, give me a quick kiss before I leave."
"I will never forget you, Levi..."
"Just wait for me."
I simply sat in the living room, newspaper in hand. I turned my head, seeing the clock that hung above on the wall.
12:00, huh...
Seeing that it's finally noon, the mail should have came in. I sighed, setting my newspaper down on the empty seat next to me. I stood up slowly, heading to the front door.
I opened the squeaky, wooden door, and let the smell of fresh air engulf me. I inhaled with satisfaction, breathing out as I stepped outside to the Kingdom of Nosuica. The mailbox was definitely full; a piece of paper stuck out of it.
I eyed the piece of paper, looking peculiar in color. It wasn't the normal beige-ish color the officials usually sent out to people, it was more of a light brown to my eyes. I opened the mailbox, and to my surprise, that brown paper was the only thing in it.
The brown paper gently slipped out of the mailbox, slowly falling to the ground. I caught it midair, not letting it fall below my waist.
I closed the box, then headed back to my home. I took a seat on the couch, preparing myself to read the piece of paper.
Dear Citizens of Nosuica,
Let's all congratulate our soldiers for defeating Aqaimore! The war is finally over. There were quite a few casualties, so we're truly sorry if you have lost a loved one.
Head to the square to see the remaining soldiers! Thank you all for the moral support.
The Powers of NosuicaWere... Were my eyes deceiving me...?
Quite a few casualties... How many died? Is Levi...
No, no! He promised me.
I sped out of the house once again, this time grabbing my key and locking the door. I ran to the square, smiling and crying tears of joy to see Levi once again.
| Time Skip |
I finally arrived my destination, seeing that most of the people of Nosuica is here as well. There were a lot of cheering, almost too much for my ears to handle.
In front of us people was the ultimate castle that housed us Nosuicans. The King, Queen, Prince and Princess all stood at the very top, waving to all of us.
"Now, we revealed the ones who fought for our freedom! We started out with 750,000 soldiers, we're left with 100,000. The ones who died will not be in vain!" The King announced, shocking all of us.
Quite a few casualties my ass! Over half of them died! In fact, 650,000 died...
Nonetheless, the citizens were still overwhelmed with joy. We fought for our independence, and we got it. But, why aren't I happy...?
Levi's strong! There's no way he would die. Come on now, he's Levi Ackerman. Strongest of them all.
We all waited at the entrance, cheering and seeing all the soldiers that have made it. After hours upon seeing them, Levi didn't ride on his horse through the gate. Levi wasn't even... present.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Here is an old book about scenarios with you and Levi. Requests are closed. Constructive criticism is definitely tolerated! I would love criticism, honestly. I want to make these stories entertaining and understandable fo...