Sterile | Levi x Reader

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Before you start reading, pay attention to every title. If there are stars, like this: *Levi x Reader #0* It PROBABLY means there's... you know... smut. (I might not do smut. Unless it's REALLY requested. Sorry perverted shits XD) Yup. Okay, keep reading along!


You were in bed, waiting for sunrise. It was night, and you had a hard time sleeping. There was an expedition tomorrow, so you tried your hardest to sleep. But with your crush on your mind, it was difficult as hell.

9 Hours Lateh. (Please read in Spongebob voice. Just do it.)

You got enough sleep, and woke up around the same time as everyone else. You did your morning routine. Brush teeth, shower, piss and shit, got dressed. You went to go get breakfast. Everything was the same as every damn morning. You craved for something different.

As everyone was done eating, they got up, and left the room, obviously getting more prepared for the expedition. You saw one person stay in their seat. It was Corporal Levi. It didn't bother you much, but staring at him made you blush a bit. You went to go with the rest of the group. But, you were called back over.

"Cadet (y/n)."

You quickly spun around on your heels and saluted Corporal Levi.

"Sir!" You replied back, only to be greeted by your crush right in front of you. He had the same face everyday. Nothing surprised you. Except one thing.

He grabbed your arm and placed it down next to your side. Corporal Levi doesn't touch anyone, unless it's a damn titan. Your eyes widened, and of course, you had to blush. Levi noticed, and smirked slightly. But went back to his stoic face abruptly.

"You are going to skip this expedition, and stay with me today. This expedition isn't at all important, so I wasn't needed. But I do need an assistant for the tasks today, and I chose you." Corporal Levi replied.

"Corporal, w-why me?" You had to fucking stutter.

"Does it even matter?" He said back, with a stern look on his face. But, hidden in his eyes, was lust. Damn.

"No, C-Corporal Ackerman. I'm s-sorry. What are our tasks t-today?" You asked. You were blushing a deeper red, as he whispered in your ear.

"Clean." Goddamn it.

You started to walk away, until he jerked you back.

"First of all, I didn't dismiss you yet, and second, just call me Levi." He whispered in your ear. You were blushing so much after that reply, you honestly thought you were sweating blood. "You are now dismissed."

You head over to your wardrobe to get a cleaning outfit on, and some supplies. You had bleach, window cleaner, a broom, a mop, a duster piece of shit, and more things. A lot more things. But who cares. Oh yeah, you do. But on to the point.

You started cleaning one room, then the next. But Corporal Ack- no, no. Levi checked up on you quite often. You did this before, but only with Eren and his friends. You alone just seemed quite suspicious. But with Levi watching you, uh. You were excited because it was your crush, but yet nervous, because of the same reason. It was your crush.

You started dusting the top of a drawer. You had the white cloth over your mouth as well. To your surprise, you were interrupted by Levi swiftly spinning you around. you couldn't even hear him earlier. You gasped, and stared into his cold, gray (or grey) eyes.

"Are you that oblivious, (y/n)? Why in the hell would I make YOU clean for a day?" He said, each word getting softer as he continued to speak. He pulled down your white handkerchief along with his, both resting at your necks. "I could of picked that fuckface named Eren to clean, and torture him." You laughed a bit, even knowing that Eren was a good friend to you, but he was absolutely despised by Levi.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now