Not A Child's Dream | Child!Levi x Divorced!Reader

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Longest chapter yet! :D

pandatowrites has requested this!

Butttttttt... pandato wanted it to be fluffy.




My head turned to see my youthful, caring son. His name was Levi.

"Y-yes Levi?"

"Are we ever gonna see Daddy again?" He questioned, looking sad.

"U-uh, if you want to, Levi..." I breathed out, my eyes becoming teary from previous events.

Rivai was Levi's father, as well as my husband. Former husband, to be exact. He... He went to a bar one night, got drunk, and cheated on me with my best friend. My best friend was Petra.

Then, I kindly confronted him about it. He physically abused me, and left me for Petra. Petra and I haven't talked since.

Levi was only six at the time. Now he's seven. It wasn't even a full year ago, and Levi still doesn't know.

I loved Rivai with all my heart. He was my everything. Now, Levi's my everything. He's all I can ask for.

Unfortunately, I still cry and become depressed from it. Levi has taken notice of my behavior, but doesn't know the reason of my sadness. I never told him what happened to his father, I just said he went on a vacation for a long time. I'll tell him one day. Probably soon.

"Mommy, why are you sad again?" He asked, sitting on my lap on the couch. He faced me, and smiled innocently. I gave an apologetic smile back and wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"I'm sorry Levi, I just... really miss your father." I gasped out the end, pulling Levi into a hug. His eyes widened, but still accepted the hug and squeezed back just as much. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.

"It's okay Mommy! I love you...!" He said happily, releasing himself from my neck. I smiled happily, before kissing his forehead. He giggled in response.

"I... I love you too, Levi."

I kissed him on the cheek and grabbed him. I placed him on the seat next to me; on the couch. He looked up at me with puzzled eyes.

"Stay here, I got you something!" I exclaimed excitedly. His eyes widened in excitement before he started bouncing in his seat. He began clapping his hands frantically, and his eyes were shut closed. It was so adorable.

"Yay! Presents!" He kept fidgeting in his seat as I went to go to get his present from my room.

I walked through hallways to get to my room. I went under my bed, and pulled out a green wrapped box with a ribbon on top. I gripped it firmly in my grasp, before smiling and rushing back to Levi.

"Leviiiiiii..." I drawn out, heading back to the living room. He sat there, happily and excitedly. I took the box with me as I took a seat next to him.

"Ooh! I wonder what's in it!" He thought aloud, looking at the wrapped box. I playfully tossed him the box, which he caught. He giggled afterwards, as he settled the present on his lap. He carefully torn the wrapping paper.

What revealed inside the box surprised Levi, as he never has asked for this before. He was nonetheless grateful, and happy.

"It's a... k-kigurumi? Oh my gosh, and it's a Pikachu one! Yay! Thank you mommy! I love you!" He exclaimed all in one breath, before giving me a side hug. I smiled and hugged back.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now