I sat by the clear window, looking out of it as the wind snaked through the endless leaves hanging on the lively trees. The sun rose slowly with a bright aura, filling my room and the outdoors with sunshine and warmth. The cut, green grass trembled slightly with the wind, the orange-reddish leaves falling upon it. The purple, blue, and orange sky swirled on top of the world, covering the atmosphere like a designed blanket. The puffy clouds drifted to the sides of the sky, leaving me with newly found clouds.
I lived in a Japanese styled house with my two brothers, Rei and Vai. They both were noble samurais, so sensibly we resided in a samurai house; a house of many rooms with the blandest of walls. The outside was the only prettiest part, as it yielded colors of black and red.
Them being noble, as well as my parents, it would make sense for me to be of noble-class as well. In fact, I was more paid attention to than my siblings. They often protected me, as if I was of higher royalty. I wasn't allowed to leave the house without supervision. Many people knew about me, I'm not so sure why. I wasn't as talented as my brothers, but I was decent at Kendo. It is basically the same thing they practice.
We lived in a suburban type of town, I suppose. Not many people lived in our area. I wouldn't know how to describe it.
Don't get the wrong idea; we don't live in the 1800s. It may seem like we do - from the presence of the wall scrolls, old styled house we live in, the way we dress and talk, our level of education, and the way we respected others - but that was definitely not the case. We live in the current year of 2023. Our parents decided to retain our respect and maturity by raising us in a more "ancient" type of way.
I was nineteen, by the way. No friends, no love life. Only family. Sure, did my days get boring once in a while, but it was quite stress-free and calm.
Well, most days. Not all of them.
Many times my brothers would be challenged, them being samurais like said earlier. They don't lose. But Rei would get too hyped over a challenge, while Vai would get anxious and worried. The clashing emotions sometimes gave me headaches.
I stood up from my sitting position on the floor, and dusted off my kimono. I sighed, covering the window with a curtain before sliding the door open to exit the room. I travelled to the family room, where my parents and brothers would usually be located in.
As I entered the room, only my brothers were there. Noting my presence, they hastily stood up from their sitting position and kneeled before me. I wasn't anything special; I was just their sister. I don't know why I was so respected.
"Enough, Vai-dono, Rei-dono. No need to kneel for me; I've told you this many times before. If anything, it should be I who kneels before you two." I reminded, softly gesturing them to return to their original positions with my hands. I never asked why they do such actions to respect me.
"Absolutely not, (y/n)-sama. Please, don't take it to mind. You're just as important as us, if not more. Accompany us for the rest of the day, yes?" Vai asked. Rei nodded his head in agreement.
"(y/n)-sama. Take a seat over here with us, we were only talking about our days and upcoming challenges." Rei informed, getting up from his kneeling position to escort me to the seat on the ground, which was only mere feet away from where I was standing. Rei took a seat next to me, as Vai sat on the opposite side of my figure.
"You two are too kind to me. Please converse about your challenges, I'm quite interested." I said, sitting on the tops of my feet, my bottom resting on my heels. I placed my hands gently on my lap, indicating I was listening.
"Yes, (y/n)-sama. We have received two new challenges as of yesterday. One of them being a man named Eren Jaeger, and the other being Jean Kirschtein." Vai replied.

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Here is an old book about scenarios with you and Levi. Requests are closed. Constructive criticism is definitely tolerated! I would love criticism, honestly. I want to make these stories entertaining and understandable fo...