Requested by Sasori_Ara as well as some other people.
This is going to be SO CLICHÉ. I'm very sorry.
I'm also going to try and do the same style of writing as Empty Canvas. You guys should let me know what style of writing is better to read. I want this to be entertaining for you guys too.
Your character goes through a lot of emotions through this story. I apologize if it isn't like you. I'm listening to different genres of music which GREATLY affects my writing.
Separation > Objection > Medication.
| P.O.V: Reader |
I stood next to my booth, facing both Eren and Levi. All eyes were on us.
The eerie silence drowned the whole restaurant, keeping me in an aura of uneasiness. My eyes were wide, tears began to form, my figure shivering from the sudden coldness of my heart.
"Well? Who is it?" Eren asked with a pang of hostility.
"U-Uh... I-I..." I stuttered, backing away from the two. They narrowed their eyes and stepped closer to my shaking body. I can't deal with this type of pressure and anxiety.
I sobbed silently as I ran past them, pushing both Levi and Eren out of the way to head to the clear exit. There were a few mutters of "poor girl," and "oh my god," coming from the bystanders who silently ate their food. The clack of my heels echoed in the building, signifying my leave.
The moistness of my tears were felt against my red cheeks, slowly falling down them, onto the ground. I grunted as I struggled to open the door, as my hands were quite slippery from the tears I tried to wipe away. With much force and effort, as my frail body is weak from the sight of Levi, I managed to get past the door. I looked back through the glass doors, to see Levi and Eren both standing there in shock. Never have I seen Levi so... saddened. Especially from me.
I ran towards the house, where Eren and I woke up together. Where I forgot it was our fifth year anniversary. Where he forgave me. Where I watched the final scenes of Madoka Magica. I never thought that that anime would foreshadow my feelings now, these feelings of isolation.
It wasn't that dark out. Sure, it was around 7 o' clock. But the sun was just setting, and I still have a perfect view of the world in front of me. Well, I would, but the tears in my eyes prevented from such a thing happening.
I kept running. Running away from my dilemmas. I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere. I just need time to think. Who did I really love? Eren, or Levi?
As I got closer, I stopped running and just settled into a slow walk. I clenched my left fist tightly, as my right hand went to my heart.
The breeze picked up slightly as I arrived. The blooming trees and greening grass swayed with the wind, my hair following their movements. I sighed quietly, rubbing my eyes for the nth time. I kept my head down, ignoring the small leaves that decided to shelter in my hair. I grabbed the keys from my purse, unlocking the door and stepping inside my great house.
I removed the noisy heels that my feet wore. My feet touched and settled into the velvety carpet. I took off my soft jacket that protected me from the cold. But today, I wasn't warm. I was still cold.
I strolled towards the staircase, crying silently. I walked up the dark abyss, just barely finding my room that I shared with my boyfriend.
Are we even considered that anymore?

(discontinued.) Levi x Reader One-Shots
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. Here is an old book about scenarios with you and Levi. Requests are closed. Constructive criticism is definitely tolerated! I would love criticism, honestly. I want to make these stories entertaining and understandable fo...