The Infirmary G!P

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Son Chaeyoung is a Korean exchange student who's now attending school in Japan.

She couldn't fit in very well as she barely knew how to speak Japanese.

It made her feel quite lonely, not that anyone was bullying her and such, but struggling to communicate with the other Japanese students caused her to isolate herself.

For that, she became a frequent student at the infirmary, especially during free time, lunch breaks, or even between classes since it's where anyone rarely visits. There, she got close to the school nurse, Myoui Mina.

She was the most beautiful Japenese Chaeyoung has laid eyes on ever since she attended to the school, what made her even closer is that the nurse knew how to speak Korean and she completely understood Chaeyoung how she struggled to fit in.

Chaeyoung didn't need an excuse or be completely sick to be welcomed in the infirmary. Just sleeping, having a talk, or staying there is alright Nurse Myoui told her.

So as usual, Chaeyoung went to the infirmary again because she felt so tired from running in P.E. class.

She was welcomed by the brightest smile the nurse could give which made the student's heart flutter.

"Oh Chaeyoung-ssi, what brings you here this time? Up for a talk?" The nurse asks.

"As much as I'd love to I felt so exhausted from P.E. class," she said panting and she still had visible sweat dripping from her arms and forehead.

The nurse chuckled and went to give Chaeyoung a towel to wipe her sweat.

"You better get some rest now. Maybe a 2-hour nap should be good, right? We don't want you to miss all your classes. I'll just wake you up, okay?"

Chaeyoung nodded and thanked her then she went straight to one of the infirmary beds. After a while while she slowly fell asleep.

Moments later, Chaeyoung slowly opens her eyes feeling a warm, wet hole engulfing her member, and as she regains her senses she got up to see the one and only Nurse Myoui indulging her raging cock.

Suddenly, she wakes up with Nurse Myoui beside the bed full of concern on her face.

"Chaeyoung-ssi? Are you alright? You were groaning. You must've had a nightmare that isn't usual. Drink some water." Nurse Myoui offered her a glass water.

After Chaeyoung took the glass and drank the water, she noticed in her lower region the visible boner she had forming from her skirt.

She immediately gave back the glass of water to Nurse Myoui, grabbed a pillow, and covered her lower region.

The nurse was confused as to why she did such action, "Is something wrong Chaeyoung-ssi? Does something hurt down there?" She asks.

Chaeyoung couldn't answer properly and just shook her head. How could she elaborate that she had a boner for the first time ever since she got in this school and because of having a dream that she's getting the best blowjob from the nurse?

"Please let me take a look. It might be something serious." she said, trying to lift the pillow.

"I-it's not really, I-I can handle it myself, please." Chaeyoung uttered, which left the nurse more confused.

"Handle what?" The nurse asked and too late for Chaeyoung, she managed to remove the pillow.

The nurse gasped and turned confused, Chaeyoung felt embarrassed and just froze there.

"A-are you intersex?" She asks the stunned cub.

Chaeyoung slowly nods. "Woah, I heard of this condition before but never actually met or knew someone who's has it personally." The nurse said in amazement which Chaeyoung would've never expected.

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