Deal G!P

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A/N: Another request by a loyal reader!

I thought you'd like more Mina G!P top one-shots so here it is but I'd probably take a break from writing G!P one-shots after this since I've done too many, I have to balance everything and make a non G!P on the next one.

Please enjoy~

Mina's POV

And again I end my night getting up from a random whore's bed and leave quietly to go back to my own home so I could sleep peacefully on my king-sized bed.

I've been like this for the past two years after breaking up with my gold-digging ex-girlfriend since first of all she used me and second, she cheated on me.

I didn't mind letting her use me but after I found out she cheated on me with a stupid jerk it was the last straw.

She might've forgotten the fact I'm fucking rich and I have the power to get rid of her anytime and in any way I can so she's probably rotting from working in some stinky restaurant as a dishwasher right now since every decent working institution or industry has heard of her and refuses to hire her. Of course, it was all because of me.

And that guy she cheated with, he's rotting in jail already after I dug up information that he's dealing drugs and he's been stealing the company's money he's working at.

I shake my head to get rid of remembering my shitty past so I can concentrate on driving home.

So this is how I ended up, on weekdays I'm a 30-year-old devoted workaholic CEO of a large Japanese business empire but on weekends I'm a VIP customer at luxurious bars or high-class prostitute houses that my best friend Sana takes me to fulfill my own needs.

But even if there were plenty of women to keep me company and satisfy me during the nights I spend in those expensive places, what I want is only one woman that'll be my own personal slut, but so far no one has caught my attention that I want to spend the night with again.

After spending a night with one woman after another, I'm starting to get all bored of this and it feels like an endless routine that I don't look forward to anymore.

I arrived at my huge mansion and gave my car key to one of the guards so they'll take it to the parking lot. 

Anyone would do anything to be hella rich and have a big, lavishing home like mine but in reality, it's empty and lifeless here. The servants here are very professional in doing their duties without causing unnecessary noise or talking loudly that will irritate me or else they'll be immediately fired. Because of that it still feels like no one else is around the house and I'm all alone.

I honestly do not know what is the main cause of the emptiness or lifeless feeling that fills my house but I know it's the reason why I pay to seek the company of women and make them satisfy my needs.

I do love living alone where there is utter peace and quiet around but I at times come to a point where I hate that I'm too lonely in my own home. I hate bringing different women here because after they'd see how fucking rich I am they'll do anything to meet me again which annoys me.

That's why it's hard for me to find the right woman to be my own personal slut and I don't care what people would think if I have one, I've been used before, why can't I do the same? I have the money to make it happen anyway.

I went upstairs to my huge bedroom and went to my bathroom immediately to wash up since I hate the smell of a random whore's cheap perfume sticking to me any longer.

After I took a bath I wore my silk pajamas and went to bed, I sigh heavily before falling asleep.


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