Dad's Friend pt2

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Mina's POV

I woke up and covered my body with the blanket in shock as I remembered what happened last night.

My eyes squint because of the sunlight coming by the window, and I realized the empty space beside me.

This definitely wasn't supposed to happen, and between the both of us, I should be the one to leave first and leave him dumfounded!

I quickly grabbed my phone to call someone, "Yah! What's wrong with that liquid you gave me last night??? It didn't seem to do its job!!"

"S-sorry ma'am, I didn't recheck the label and gave its counter-formula, which was to awaken an individual even more."

I face palmed, "Well, it's too late for your sorry I was already fucked- you know what screw it, you'll pay for this when we meet!"

"But ma'am-"

Suddenly, the door opened as he entered while buttoning up his polo shirt, all washed up and neat. I quickly removed my phone away before he noticed.

He smirks, seeing me in shock. He suddenly climbs up the bed, making my heart race as he goes really close to my face.

I breathed heavily, and suddenly he just kissed me, I couldn't help but kiss back.

"Get washed up. Let's eat breakfast together." He said and smiled.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything and just keep staring at him.

"Should I help you take a bath?"

My eyes widened hearing what he said, "N-no!" I immediately answered.

I then indicated to him by looking at my condition and signaling the situation, "Oh right, I'll get out first. Sorry, I forgot. I'll just wait by the lounge."

I nodded, and he pecks my lips again before leaving the room.

In the bathroom, I couldn't help but smile at the thing he did to me last night. I bit my lip as I rub my own clit in the middle of bathing. It was shameful of me but last night was like no other I had ever before.

When I was done, a new set women's suit was already in the room ready for me.

When I got out I saw him standing by the lounge and I tap his shoulder from behind.

"I'm glad it fits you and suits you well, you like it?" He asks and I nodded.

"Are you actually a mute? Didn't seem like that when you moan a lot last night." He suddenly questioned and I felt my face hot.

"Y-yah! I just, I just don't really know what to- say or talk or- right now.." I stuttered all the way but he just stops by pecking my lips again.

"You're actually so cute when you're like this." He then grinned and stoke my hair.

He then led me now to eat breakfast eith him at the hotel's restaurant.

We ate together, and he even cuts my bacon and eggs for me.

After eating, there's was nothing left more to do and I still had to go to work.

Before I could leave, he held me so I faced him.

"So, Myoui Mina, what's going on between us?"

"What do you think?"

"Would you like to date me? It sounds so sudden but I really like you and there's something about you. I want to know more."

I smiled, and I was the one to kiss him first this time. "I want that too."

He smiled and kissed me again before I had to really leave.

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