Date with the Mafia

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When hearing the word 'mafia', it always meant 'criminal organizations' doing illegal activities, but not all mafia families are like that.

Myoui Sharon's family is an example. She has become the leader of the Myoui Mafia family. Her father has entrusted the family to her as his one and only worthy daughter.

They don't involve themselves with illegal drugs or any illegal activity such as corrupting officials. Instead, they restore money accumulated illegally by the corrupt and rich, then give it to charity. They have become the richest mafia family among the many others by catching and killing the most elite criminals worldwide in secret when they have been paid millions to do so, and they invest anonymously in many large business empires.

They only put up big businesses like high-class shopping malls as disguise for the many head quarters they have underground. They also serve as loan sharks but only to the capable people who can pay them back, or they'd be saying goodbye to their entire life if they fail to pay back.

Mina's POV

"You called for me, dad?" I asked my father as he sits by the lounge in our penthouse. But I haven't lived here anymore since I bought my own place. He's finally having the time of his life after passing on the boss title of the Myoui family to me.

"Oh, you're here, come," he said, tapping the other couch in front of him.

I sat, and he told his personal bartender to serve us some drinks, which I asked for a whiskey.

"So what's up dad? I doubt you'd hear anything wrong with the family right now." I told him confidently, making him chuckle.

"Of course not, I don't worry about the family when it's in your hands."

I frowned in confusion, "So what did you call me in for?"

He smiles, "The last thing I wish for before I die-"

"Dad don't say that. You'll live a long, healthy life." I cut him.

"That's not the point, sweetie. The only thing I wish for now is for you to find the one who'll stay beside you for life. I won't always be with you, so you should find someone who could love you as much as I do. Find love like how I did with your mom." he said and reached out to hold my hands.

I sigh, "Dad we've been over this..."

"I just don't get why you're still single when you're in your 30's're my charming, beautiful, and smart girl. Anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Tell me about it...honestly I don't why either, and it's not like I'm not interested in dating but I'm not in a rush to date someone either. I guess...I was just too busy working hard enough to be the new leader of the family."

"Well now you could relax and calm down for a moment. Nothing serious is up and your cousin can handle everything that's going on in the meantime." he assures me.

"Sana is indeed reliable but I can't just-"

Sana's my right-hand person, best friend, and cousin, technically my sister. An only child like me with no mother as well while growing up. Her dad is my dad's brother and before, his right-hand man too, but they're both resting now since me and Sana are handling everything.

"No buts, I rarely insist on things I want you to do but this time go on the blind date I set you up with." He cuts me off.

"What??? Dad you can't just-"

"Come on sweetie it's just a dinner, it won't be so bad I'm sure. Do it for me hm? If it doesn't work out I won't force you anymore. Or else.."

"Or else what?"

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