Deal pt3

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Chaeyoung's POV
1 year later...

I have grown to like Mina, but I couldn't tell her that.

I know she only made a deal with me for sex which I'm willing to give her, but I don't know what happens when there's feelings between us.

She's gentle and takes care of me before and after sex even if she's rough and aggressive in the middle of it, but I don't care because I love it.

She also asks me for my consent always, which is why I never say no to her or tell her to stop.

The connection between us is something I've never seen so strong before, like we're the missing pieces of each other's puzzle.

We loved being alone like she was before she took me in, and like I was when I was still in the orphanage.

But we came to the point that we're too lonely we hated it and I have realised only the both of us could fill that loneliness we felt.

Sex slave, that's what I am to her and what I'm willing to be for her, but at times, it feels like I'm more than that when she treats me like a princess.

She takes me out to fancy dinners, takes me out to the mall if I want to buy something, buys me fancy clothes, and gives me flowers atleast once a week when I wake up in the morning.

My education has also become her top priority. She sent me to the elite university her business empire owns, and she supports me in everything I want to join or do.

I know it's more than what a sugar mommy does for her sugar baby, because other than sex and giving me everything I want, she makes sure of my own well-being and talks to me different things about life rather than sex or dirty things and still treats me like the teenager I am. If I want to do it or not, she respects it. She doesn't abuse her power just because she owns me.

I don't care about our age gap, I'm only 17 now, but I know enough to understand every day and make decisions for myself.

I was making another drawing of her when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said. It was Ms. Jung was one of the maids, and she came in with a box, "The mistress wants you to wear this and prepare yourself when she comes home from work because you will be having dinner outside." She informs and bows.

"Oh, alright, thank you," she bows again and leaves my room.

I opened the box, and she got me an elegant red dress this time with a necklace that matches it.

She does this every time she wants me to go out to dinner with her especiallyon Satuday nights, I've given up a long time ago about arguing with her that she doesn't have to get me a new dress everytime because I still have plenty in my closet. She is older than me, but she's still quite stubborn.

After washing up and putting on the dress, I did my hair a bun and put on a little makeup. She always wants to send a makeup artist, but I insisted I could do it on my own, which she luckily agreed in defeat.

When I was completely ready, I waited outside the door just in time when her car arrived.

The guard opened the car door for her, and she smiled, seeing me on the dress she gave me.

She went to me with a boquet of flowers and looked up me up and down.

"I knew it, I always have a good eye when it comes to you. You look so perfect on it." She smiles and caresses my shoulder.

She kisses my cheeks and hands me the bouquet, "Here you go, beautiful."

I smile, "Thank you." I said and pecked her lips.

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