Ms. President G!P

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"Ms. Son?" The teacher asks for her attention for the 5th time already.

Finally, a piece of chalk flew by and hit the student's hard rock head, making her wake up from the pain as she rubbed the top of her head.

Her classmates laugh but stop when they hear the tapping of the teacher's stick.

"You dare sleep in my class when this is the final review for the exams tomorrow?"

"It's fine. I already know this anyway. You didn't have to bother waking me up." She groans.

"Then tell me the formula for finding the S sub n in Arithmetic sequence?"

Chaeyoung sighs and rolls her eyes, "S sub n is equal to n over 2 times A sub 1 plus A sub n. Happy?"

The class clap and Chaeyoung smirks but signals the class to give her all that praise.

"Ok, that's enough, Ms. Son, detention!!"

"OHHH," the class said.

"What?? But I answered your question!" She shouted.

"Yes, but I've had enough with your attitude, and you know you've been sent to detention countless times for the same reason, so this'll just be another one of the many times. Just go." The teacher sighs and signals his hand like shooing her away.

She just grumbles, grabs her bag, and storms out of the classroom.

But she wasn't actually mad about it, more like happy that her plan worked to get the teacher worked up and send her to detention so she can sleep there in peace with no one yapping their mouths away tackling a lesson that she already knew.

As she arrives at the detention room, the principal sighs, seeing her daughter joining her again.

"Chaeyoung, again?"

"Hey, mom." She just greeted and immediately went straight to one of the arm chairs and sleep.

"What am I gonna do about you?" She sighs and massages her forehead.

This is a daily routine for the mother and daughter at school. Chaeyoung joins her mom, aka the principal, at detention during the period before lunch, after lunch, and the period before dismissal.

It's not good for Chaeyoung's student record as the principal's daughter and heir of the school.

You heard that right, heir of the school, not only is her mom the principal but her dad also owns the school, and as his only daughter, she'll be inherenting all of it one day.

Chaeyoung's intelligence could not be avoided but get recognized, which could make up a little for her bad attitude.

Most likely because of genes, but overall, everyone, especially the teachers, couldn't help but still get fed up by her attitude.

Her actions are not enough to receive suspension or, worse, get expelled as she doesn't hurt anyone but she still gets on every teacher's nerves to get her to detention and her parents don't want her to receive any special treatment either.

As much as possible, the principal asked the teachers not to send Chaeyoung to detention because that's what the girl wants on purpose but still, they couldn't contain themselves and give in because who would want a disrespectful, hard headed student that gets on your nerves in class?

Now, Principal Son doesn't honestly know what to do. It's been a puzzle for her and her husband to know what's going on with their only child.

Chaeyoung wasn't like that before. She was an overachiever with various extracurricular titles and the most cheerful soul anyone would find in a child of such well-known and well-respected couple.

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