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RAVEN INHALED THE SCENT OF THE FAMILIAR ATMOSPHERE THAT BROUGHT HER SO MUCH JOY BEFORE SHE LEFT THREE YEARS AGO. The sense of nostalgia hit the curly-haired brunette like a truck as she smiled taking in her new. Granted she didn't live in The Cut anymore, she took being in the Figure Eight being an upgrade from Texas any day, any time.

"Hurry up, there's a storm coming and I don't have all day." Her aunt Shelley urged the moving drivers. They were on a timed schedule to move her niece's things into the fancy Chateau she'd be living in. With all the planning she had going on with midsummers and other events, she didn't prepare for the cluster of junk Raven would bring. 

Her figure leaned against the door frame pointing directing the movers around the house. A few of them were too mesmerized her the by her bold and authoritative nature to pay attention knocking a couple of Raven's things on the ground. 

Anyone from a mile away could see how beautiful her aunt Shelley was- she was tall, skinny, had a sharp jawline that could send young Johnny Depp into oblivion and had the prettiest green eyes. Her confidence was quite intimidating for the women that came around her.

Men came and begged to have their chance with her, and some did, but only one chance. If you can't impress her on the first day, Shelley didn't hesitate to ghost them leaving them in melancholy despair.  She figured there was no point in keeping them if they were too immature and they couldn't excite her. It was like waiting for sunlight to appear in Alaska- tiring and boring.

Raven her and mom used be entertained by their desperation, until Warden came along. He was was kind and caring man, except for when it came to his family. He always tried to get close to Shelley while his wife was naively unaware buried underneath the stack of the Gucci, Prada, Fendi attire. 

It left a bad taste in Raven's mouth. Nevertheless she pretended to ignore it, fearing if she brought it up to anyone it would break up a family. 

After finishing, the men fled the housing rushing home to take shelter from the chaotic weather, leaving Shelley and Raven to navigate through their own storm. The two were all they had- family wise that is. 

They refused to address the situation with Deena, Raven's mother and Shelley's sister. It hurt too much to think about for either of the girls. Her dad was out of the question. He bailed on her 6th birthday, with nothing but a letter apologizing to her for being a horrible father.

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