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EACH OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SQUAD HAD A GOAL WHEN WHEN IT CAME TO GETTING THE THEIR HANDS ON THE MONEY, BUT THE ANARCHY ENSUING MIGHT PROLONG THOSE PLANS.  Anger flooded Kie and Pope as they watched a drunken JJ try to fight Topper. They were even more pissed when John B was the one to throw the first punch.

All it took was two words and they were fighting for the MMA championship.

Dirty Pogues.

The plan went in John B's ear and out the other. Years of dealing with the obnoxious Kooks finally caught up to him and he channeled his anger all into fighting Topper.

Raven dashed back to the party knowing JJ was the root of the problem. Rafe followed up behind to see if his best friend was hurt. He was in shock to see Topper actually winning a fight without someone to help.

While Kie, Raven, Sarah, and Pope screamed for them to shout, JJ cheered them on with a sinister smirk on his face. He had faith his best friend could kick a Kook's ass any day of the week.

Things however, took a quick turn when Topper flipped John B, making him land in the water. The young Kook dragged him by his hair and aggressively forced his head in the salty waters. JJ winced and wanted to jump in, but he knew it wasn't a fair fight.

"Hey John B. Don't make me drown you like your old man," he teased, shoving his head deeper. The water filled his nose, blocking his breathing passage. 

Muffled screams went in and out. His main concern was trying to break free from his Topper's grasp.

"He's drowning him," Pope shouted over to Raven. Tears poured down Kiara's cheek as she held her phone in her hand feeling hopeless. There was no signal because of the storm. The poor couldn't even call the police.

Sarah knew when JJ came over to offer her a drink that it wasn't going to end well, however she was not expecting death and by her boyfriend of all people. 

She kept trying to convince herself he was just being overprotective like any regular boyfriend. Sarah Cameron would have never thought a situation so childish could turn into something so deadly.

No one noticed Rafe standing near them clueless, still processing his friends fighting abilities. Helping people wasn't his strong suit, and what was the point when he could sit back and watch. 

She didn't even get the chance to touch him before her body crashed into the sand from the wild boys.

Pope broke away from the girls to help Raven to feet.

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