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AFTER THE GROUP GAVE INTO KIARA'S IDEA AND REPORT THE MYSTERIOUS FINDINGS, THEY WERE TURNED DOWN BY VARIOUS ADULTS. They refused to listen to trouble-making kids that had a history of causing havoc around the island. Taking her loss like lint on her pants, Kie brushed it off and decided to stay with the group to see where their nosiness would take them today.

JB would look over at Kiara engaging in a long conversation with Raven and Pope about Midsummers and her family's restaurant. He pondered about taking that step and seeing if she really liked him.

It would've been outrageous and mind-blowing if she did she created the No Pogue on Pogue Macking. None of them cared, but she respected her rules. Everyone around the ground would occasionally flirt, but it was nothing too serious. 

While he was lost on Kiara's mannerism, JJ shook his head watching JB. He couldn't fathom why his best friend wouldn't just put on his big boy pants and ask her out already. 

Being a wingman was already hard work for Pope, but John B made it worse. The signs were there; the eye contact, cheek kisses, and sexual tension...  all there. 

JJ's attention darted from JB to Raven causing a wrinkle in his brow.

Why did she have to be here?

Once Pope pointed out the crew arrived at their destination, JB ripped his gaze from the girls and JJ temporarily placed those questions on the back burner and stood up holding rope in his hand.

"This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin' for landing." He cheerfully jumped out the boat to dock it. 

The five of them stared at the wrecked motel. Broken tree branches covered the stairs making it difficult to climb up, the ground was covered in garbage and waste that reeked with a foul smell. The property's walls looked like they were beginning to crumble, and then there was and electrified JJ and JB pumped with adrenaline ready to go on a mini adventure of their own.

Raven made her way over to John B giving him the key. "Good luck," she gave a small grin before backing away by Pope leaving the boy in more confusion. "What, are you not coming?"

"I think you and Barbie got it from here. I want to catch up with Kie and Pope and be look outs," Raven offered and took a step back to Pope to see JJ frowning and looking away. 

She sensed intension tension with JJ and didn't want to cause drama for the group. Their bickering was entertaining and annoying sometimes, but she didn't want to overstep boundaries with him, especially after earlier.

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