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AS RAVEN SAT AT THE DOCK WAITING FOR THE INFAMOUS POGUE TO SHOW, SHE GREW NERVOUS. She hasn't seen her friends in five years. Would they still treat her the same? just because Pop and JB did, didn't guarantee it'll work that way for the rest of them. 

Kie was stubborn and adamant on things she was passionate for like saving the ocean and what not. She could imagine her anger and disappointment when her best friend since third grade didn't write, text, or email to check on her.

Then there was JJ. Raven didn't exactly know what to expect. He was a nerve wrecking firecracker that could pop off at any moment. She remembered all the moments they spent together that consisted of them making fun and taunting each other.

If it wasn't for Pope, Die, or JB she didn't think they'd ever become friends; if that's what she called it. They had a mutual love-hate relationship, but it left Raven mostly confused on where they stood.

In the distance the all too familiar boat came closer to her. Raven stood up from the dock and waved her arms to get their attention. It was quiet as all four heads turned her directions. An ear-piercing scream left the boat causing the teen boys to cringe and cover their ears. Kie stood up from the boat waving her arms. She impatiently for John B to drive closer to the dock so she could physically reunite with her best friend.

Edging closer to the dock, Raven got a good look at Kiara. As she gave a toothy grin, she noticed Kie no longer had her braces. Her wavy hair was much longer, and she had a dolphin tattoo on her hip, but she still kept her love for her floral bead chokers alive. "Rae!


"Pope!" JJ shouted running to the girls.

"JJ!" Pope returned.

She jumped in the boat and engulfed her Raven grabbed her backpack and jumped in the boat. The two squeezed each other in a hug and swayed. They were soon tackled by three muscular bodies and collided to the ground in a tangled mess. They felt their bodies vibrate, breaking into fits of laughter.

JB was the first to break away from the cluttered group and pulled Raven with him. "She just got back, let's try not to kill her." He protested helping the rest of the group up.

"Don't worry if you die, I know how to perform an embalming," Pope innocently suggested and smiled at Raven. The three four made confused and disgusted at his awkward choice of words.

She shook her head and wiped hands on her shorts. "I don't even wanna know." Kie took a seat next to her and handed her a cooler.

"Pope is still the same ole' Pope. Nothing much has changed really." She shrugged and leaned on Rae's shoulders. It didn't seem like much, but it was for her. Their personalities might have still been the same but they all looked so different. "Except for the part all of you literally look like freakin' Hollister models now."

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