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THE ROOM WAS TESTAMENT TO THE ROUTLEDGE FAMILY'S DEDICATION TO THEIR LINEAGE AND THEIR RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF ANSWERS. As the teens surveyed the space, it became clear that this was more than just a room—it was a shrine to their shared history and the mysteries that had consumed their lives for so long.

John B's skeptical eyes darted from Raven to the room, a mixture of disbelief and curiosity flickering in their depths. He had never expected to find himself in this place again, surrounded by the remnants of his father's obsession.

Pope, ever the analytical thinker, tried to make sense of the situation, his brow furrowed in concentration as he took in the stacks of articles, the family tree hanging on the walls, and the scattered research materials littering the desk.

Kie and JJ, on the other hand, were in awe of the sheer magnitude of information before them. The room was a treasure trove of knowledge, a tangible reminder of the legacy they were all now apart of.

"I slept over here like 600 hundred times and I've never seen this door open." JJ's whispers sounded loud in the silent unexplored room. 

It was the truth. Neither him, Pope or Kie explored beyond that door. At times Pope was skeptical but came to the conclusion it was nothing more than a storage room or a door that was sealed off for renovations. 

John B skipped though the maze of research to something that caught his eye. "This is the original owner, right here." He pointed to an image of a man named Robert Q. Routledge, who first owned the compass. 

Within the picture was their heirloom that dated back centuries. Kie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over her as she looked at the image. The thought of their family's belongings making their way back to them after centuries felt almost haunting, as if the past was reaching out to them in some way.

"There's the lucky compass," JJ obliviously pointed out causing Raven to roll her eyes and shuffle to the other side ignoring him.

"Actually he was shot after he bought it."

All of their faces fell after the sudden confession. Nonetheless, they let him carry on with his family history hoping to find some connection to whatever's going on. 

"Then the compass was shipped back to..."

He trailed off pointing to Henry P. Routledge 1919-1947, who was killed in crop dusting accident when he had the compass. After he died the compass was given to Stephen. He had the compass with him when he died in Vietnam.

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