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IF IT WASN'T FROM THE WRECKAGE LEFTOVER FROM AGATHA'S DESTRUCTIVE PATH, RAVEN WOULD'VE DESCRIBED THE CAMERON'S RESIDENCE AS A FORTRESS. Carpenters were in and out making repairs, the garden's tried fixing as much as they could with the garden pulling the trash and plucking the weeds. There weren't signs of Sarah anywhere and she wasn't answering her phone.

Was she avoiding her because of what happened at the party?

Raven knocked on the Cameron's door already prepared for what she would say. She couldn't let that feeling of guilt cloud her friends from reaching success but at the same time her conscience wasn't going to let her live this down if John B succeeded in getting the equipment of the boat.

The white door swung open revealing none other than Rafe Cameron with an irked expression. 

"Is Sarah here?" she questioned.

"No," he retorted dryly- too dryly for her liking. He still felt some type of way about the party and how there was a gun waved around in his best friend's even though he threw the first punch. 

No one in the situation seemed mature enough to handle except for Pope, Kie, and Raven, but words were just useless muffled noises compared to having a weapon.

"Do you know where she is?" Raven plastered an optimistic grin on her face believing it wouldn't change the dynamic between them. After all they were almost kissed last night. 

He leaned against the door frame and threw a towel on his shoulder. "She went out shopping for midsummers. "If you wanna wait here for her you can. I mean I don't really care." Rafe opened the door wider motioning for her to enter.

Inside the Cameron's house Raven was in awe at the change in the atmosphere. They've made plenty of renovations over the years, even installing a pool in their backyard. From the new light fixtures to the fireplace, she was stuck in this trance caught up in their new upgrades.

Adjusting back to the mission at hand, she caught wind of a pair of keys to the boat dangling in Rafe's hand. There were the same one's John B flashed to her when he was going over the plan. 

"So, where are you up to?"

"About to take the boat out..." he trailed off frowning. He studied her timid expression.

John B was just feet away sneaking the gear. If Rafe laid his eyes on him, there would be a round two and neither JB or Raven had enough energy for it. 

𝐏𝟒𝐋 | JJ MaybanksWhere stories live. Discover now