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SARAH AND RAVEN'S HID FROM THEIR FAMILIES TURMOIL TO EXPLORE THE FULL AFTERMATH OF THE HURRICANE. It's been a few days since the party ended with a bang or three and neither of the girls had a chance to talk about the turn of the events. They were unable to text or facetime about it thanks to the lack of signal and power in the area.

Sarah Cameron found herself in a brighter mood after her run in with a certain Pogue this morning. She kept replaying that interaction in her head secretly wishing it was prolonged. She couldn't figure why he had her mind spinning after barely having any interactions.

Raven on the other hand tried to free her mind from the skin crawling news of finding her mother's necklace. They managed to get away from the hit men, however none of them knew who they were and if they would show up again.

Sarah repeatedly asked Raven how she's been since the party and to be honest Raven wasn't sure. She almost had her first kiss with the guy she's been crushing on since forever. His deep ocean eyes stared into her soul. There wasn't a secret she couldn't keep from him. It was exciting and scary at the same time.

Raven was so close yet so far. If it wasn't for JJ starting a fight who knows how far she would've gotten.

Her stomach turned, seeing John B's swollen cuts and bruises at the hands of Topper. He didn't deserve any of this. JJ might've been right about her being her. Ever since Raven stepped here, there was like a wave of bad luck following her around like a dark cloud.

Then her mother's necklace. What was it doing there?

"You sure, you're okay." Sarah waved her hand in Raven's face.

She was thankful for the blonde being here and embracing her. Sarah pulled her out of a twisted moment of guilt and regret.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Raven stuffed her hands in her back pockets and kicked the rocks out their path. She strongly believed there wasn't a dull moment in the Kook princess's life. Her days were filled with mani pedis, shopping, school, community service, parties, and having hangouts on the family yacht.

Sarah sassily flipped her hair giving a scowl look. "I would've been fine if you actually waited until I came back home from shopping?"

Rafe must've told his sister about her random appearance at the house and how she left abruptly. Did he tell her about anything else?

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