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AFTER THE HECTIC NIGHT, RAVEN UNTIL THE CRACK OF DAWN TRYING TO CLEAN AND TENDING TO JOHN B'S WOUNDS. The headphones blocked out all of the noise mentally and physically as she sways her hips. Mouthing the words to her favorite song, Raven moped around the house, cleaning the tables, washed the windows, and did some of his laundry.

There was nothing Raven hated more than a fraud, and that was a dirty house. It wouldn't have been a good look if people such as the authorities found out John B had been living in a pigsty without an adult present to take care of him. 

DCS already wanted to talk him in since his uncle hasn't been present for over four months, not to mention the elephant in the room- his dad's disappearance.

John didn't have to keep hope alive, because he knew his dad was out there somewhere. Unlike him, citizens in the Cut and Figure Eight pessimistically believed his dad drowned in the middle of the sea, or got stranded on a random island and died of dehydration.

The brunette tiptoed across the freshly wet floors to check the time. It was the break of dawn and she barely cracked two hours of sleep. 

Though she tried freeing herself from the negative thoughts, every now and then she should herself back to where she started thinking about how her sudden appearance affected everyone.

She didn't ask Kie, Pope, Sarah, JJ, and JB how they felt. She just showed up and at the worst moment- right when during the hurricane Agatha hit. Except Raven caused more damage than what the category 2 hurricane did.

She wasn't the only one to blame. Everyone knew JJ was a wildcard, but they never thought he'd take to the extent of shooting a gun during a party, while the police are investigating a murder of the man that owned the gun. She sat there thinking of what explanation could she give to her aunt without incriminating herself or placing all the blame on JJ.

Shelley probably wouldn't hesitate to ground her or band her from seeing the Pogues. Then again, she was full of surprises.

Spinning on her heels to wake up John B, Raven squealed and jumped back. There was Sheriff Peterkins, also known as the person one of the only decent Kook that gave Pogues the benefit of the doubt.

Raven pulled her headphones down, letting them rest on her shoulders.

"It's been a while since I saw your face." 

She snapped her head around to see Sheriff give a generous smile. 

"How did you-"

"The door was unlocked," the older woman answered. Raven cursed underneath her breath. She didn't bother locking the door after JJ left. For what reason? She didn't know.

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