Chapter 15

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Heeseung's POV

"He's been harming himself..."
Maki whispers into my ear as I look at Niki in shock...
this cant be?!
He wouldn't...

"Niki..." I walk up to him as he cries even more. I can't believe he did this.. No..

"Niki take your hoodie off" I demand him, I still don't believe it..
"H-hyung" Niki burts into tears for the 6th time...
"If you don't take it off, I'll take it off for you" I give him 5 seconds to take it off..

As soon as I got to 5 he took his hoodie off revealing everything...
I slowly reach out for his arm as he puts his arm infront of me and with his other arm, he covers his face.

"Niki why..." I look up still caressing his arm as he cries again. "hyung I'm s-sorry.."

I'm still trying to process what he's been doing.
Why has Niki been doing this..?
I know he's been hurt but I honestly thought he would've been over this by now...

Poor guy I feel so bad for him.
I didn't know he felt like this...
If only I was more caring for him.

I look at the depressed boy infront of me as I carefully take him into my arms.
When I touch him he mildly flinches but I caress his hair making sure that it's okay.

"Niki...why have you been doing this..?"

Niki's POV

"Niki...why have you been doing this..?"
They know...

"Take it off" I cry again as he starts counting to 5.
I slowly take the hoodie off revealing the cuts..

Heeseung holds my arm with the red lines and look back at me.
"Niki why..why have you been doing this to yourself..?"

"U-uhmm.." I cry even more into my hyungs arms..

I sigh dramatically.
"Niki what is going through your head?" Maki asks me as he sits next to Heeseung.

"I-..uh..." I stutter while pulling my sleeve. "Spill it niki" The eldest of the house demands as he looks at me with worried eyes.

"I just w-want her b-back.." I sob through every word I say. Why did ny life have to go like this?
Why me?
Why not someone else?
Heeseung sighs and turns to Maki.

"What now..." Maki whispers to Heeseung as Hee looks at my scars. "Niki..We all know you love her but sometimes you have to let people go" Heeseung reassures me with a cute smile.

I know what he's saying is true, but sometimes we all have that person who we get attached to.

"Uhm niki maybe just don't do this again please, we can maybe find you another girl...?" Maki spits out as my eyes widen.
Another girl?!

Is he serious.
"Another girl?!" I was shocked.
Ain't no way im gonna get another girl.
In my opinion, all girls are the same.

They either use you, or just leave you in the end.
Its only 1 in a billion when you can find a girl who is actually nice and who actually loves you.

(a/n Go stream 1 in a billion yall)

Jiwoo was that 1 in a billion.
The 1 for me..

Oh how I regret.
I fucked up badly.
I don't think I can find anyone else, I just need her.

"Why can't Jiwoo forgive me?" I turn to Maki who looks back at me. "People have their own preferences, Niki" What he said was true, it was the truth,

Some people can't take the truth, because mostly, the truth hurts.
For example, Jiwoo doesn't love me, I know that's a fact but I can't take it. It hurts, it hurts a lot, more than these scars.



Hows fasting going??
Im literally about to die from fastin bro 😭😭



Im sossoso sorry for the short chapters ! I acc dontknow what to write so leik 😭

~9th April 2023~

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