Chapter 1- A new home and a new friend

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Hiccups P.O.V

Me and Toothless have been flying for around 3 hours now. We left Berk with the Dragons from the killing arena and are now trying to find a new island to stop at. The other Dragons from berk are following me there is a deadly nadder a gronkle a terrible terror and a monstrous nightmare.

We flew for another hour until we came across a Island just on the outskirts of the archipelago. We circled the island and it was full of Dragons. I got excited thinking that I could train them all and they can help get my revenge. We circled it and there was no sign of humans anywhere.

We land and all of a sudden we are surrounded by loads of dragons even new species. I start to panic but realized that they weren't growling or anything hostile, they were all bowing. "I see the Dragon master is real" came a voice from behind me. "The what now" I answer surprised.

"Hi I'm Jack" He comes out of the shadows with a whispering death following closely behind. He had white hair and scruffy clothes like mine.

"Hi i'm Hiccup former heir to the throne of berk, I ran away because I was bullied and abused alot" I answer I'm a bit taken aback by how much I'm telling this guy.

"Oh thats sad well your welcome here dragon master me and heather will be very kind to you" said Jack

"Thank you for your hospitality and whats this about dragon master" I ask eagerly

"Well it is said that a boy who rides a night fury will find this island one day and become the dragon master he controls the dragons and he cares for them" Jack explains.

"Oh this is perfect I can finally raise a dragon army get stronger and take my revenge on Berk for all those horrible abuse and making me a slave." I practically shouted.

"Me and Heather are with you Dragon master we will build an army of dragons together and take you revenge and make them suffer how you did" said Jack equally excited.

"Call me Hiccup and yes that would be great but we cant just go in now we need to train and get stronger" I said

"Ye you are right Hiccup, anyway lets go I'll introduce you to heather

(just say I explained the whole thing again to heather I dont have time to write it again)

"Well get some rest tomorrow we begin training" explained Heather

We nod and head to bed

Sry if this chapter was a bit boring it was just a filler chapter next chapter is five years later and they get berk gets informed abt the dragon master and his army of dragons coming for berk.

no mre spoilers and just pretend the red death isnt a thing byeeee

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