Chapter 3- Before

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Five hours earlier

Hiccups P.O.V

"Everythings ready" said Jack " Were just waiting for your command"

"Good get every dragon in the air and make sure there armors in place" I told him

He nods and runs of. This it Berk will become a warzone soon and I will have what I want. I notice Heather come up to me , Jacks girlfriend, 

" So what excactly is the plan Hiccup" she asked

"We fly in and when were around 50 metres away Toothless will command the dragons to stop and me and him will fly in and try and talk to them into coming to our island. Most likely they'll refuse so Toothless will roar and you and jack will lead the charge into Berk. Stoick will probably leave Snotlout, Ruffnut,Tuffnut and Astrid to deal with me. As you know I am the best fighter in and out the archipelago so I'll handle them alone. Once I've dealt with them I need to command the dragons to surround the remaining berkians. Then you or jack will fly in and pick up Astrid and bring her back here to my hut and lock her inside I need to talk to her.Every one else can go in cages on the boat. I want Stoick,Ruffnut,Tuffnut and Fishlegs in the cage in the arena everyone else can go in a cage in the caves. They will be tortured and made as slaves just as I was." I explain

"Sounds good" Heather said and ran of to her Razor whip Windshear.

"You ready bud" I ask Toothless he coos in response. We walk of towards the armoury.

I see Jack fitting all the dragons gronkle iron armor he nods at me as I walk past. I fit Toothless's armor on which is gronle iron coloured in black so the people of berk dont know he's armored. I then fit my own armor on which is gronkle iron coated in Night Fury scales. The last partis the helmet.

Once I finish putting on my armor I see that Jack has done his job good and has already gotten well over 10,000 dragons in the air.

Jack and Heather come up to me. The two friends who have got me through everything (even making alliances with the Dragon hunters but I didn't want to bring them into it) all leading up to this point. For five years we have trained together and gotten stronger together now we are ready for me no for us to get our revenge on the people of Berk.

We get on our Dragons and fly up Toothless roars and all the dragons including us race forward at thia rate we'll get to berk in 5 hours

Berk is not ready but we are it is time for me to excact my revenge...

Yooo I never thought villain Hiccup would be so fun to write and ik the chapters are a little short but next chapter im hoping on making it huge as this one is a little short i might make this chapter today so yh have a good day or night byee

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