Chapter 8-Valka...

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Valkas P.O.V

Me and cloudjumper are coming in for a crash landing on Berk I can't stop it I lost my mask ages ago and Cloudjumpers tired he can't fly anymore. This is gonna hurt.

Astrids P.O.V

Me, Stoick and the gang all rushed outside to see who the new dragon rider is. As we got closer we realised it was an older woman a few years younger than Stoick

"Valka..." I heard Stoick say.

Whos valka it can't be... Hiccups Mom.

"Your as beautiful as the day I lost you" Stoick said then kissed her.

"Where Hiccup" she asked.

"Val he's not here." Stoick said.

"Why" she asked.

"Because he ran away with his Night Fury. 5 years later he attacked us for revenge because everyone in the village abused him apart from Astrid" He points at me "She loves him so much".

I blush at that statement.

"He took us all to his island to be tortured the only one he didn't hurt was Astrid. That was until she broke us out and we all fought Hiccup would have killed us. We all managed to escape but not before Hiccup vowed to kill us all,where going to attack him in a few days time. He's to dangerous to be left to roam free and Astrid insists that she can get through to him. its a capture mission but if it comes to it we will kill him." Stoick finished.

"You can't... If only I knew he was Hiccup" Valka said

"You've met him before" asked Stoick.

"Yes but I didn't know it as Hiccup" Valka said "Stoick you can't kill him with his dragon army the only way to beat him is by dragons but he has full control over the dragons he still cares for them but he can control them hence the name dragon master." said Valka

"Do you know any way to stop him Val" asked Stoick

She nods "Back where I live the king of dragons the great bewilderbeast can control his dragons apart from his" she said.

"Can you get him to" asked Stoick

"Yes but the dragon master will fight back he can fight the bewilderbeast by trying to keep the dragons. But most likely the bewilderbeast will win then you can capture him, just promise me you won't kill him." she said

"I promise Val" Stoick said.

"I must go and get the bewilderbeast I'll be back in an hour" said Valka

" Alright" everyone said.

By now everyone came out the great hall.

"Everyone ready the ships" shouted Stoick "We leave once Valka gets back. With that he walked of. 

Me and the gang walked of.

"Wow I knew Hiccup was strong but I never knew he had that much power to be able to fight the king of dragons" I said.

"Ye and where did he learn to fight like he did" exclaimed Fishlegs.

"I bet I could still beat him up" boasted Snotlout

"Snotlout you got beaten twice by him and he beat up all of us including Stoick single handed with a little bit of help from his friends and not to mention he also killed Dagur." I reminded him.


Valka flew back in the king of dragons following her.


We all scrambled on the ships and we set sail.

Jacks P.O.V

As soon as I woke up Hiccup told me everyone had escaped and he had killed Dagur. They had all left on a ship he told me to follow it as he could still see it on the horizon. 

Now here I am watching in horror as the berkians and the berserkers all get on ships and set sail for our island there is also a woman on the stormcutter... oh its her who helped Hiccup and then left because she thought he was evil.

She sided with the berkians and is now coming with the king of dragons to take us down. I need to get back to hiccup. With that me and Thunder flew as fast as we could towards our island.

Once we landed I ran straight to Hiccups hut.

I barge in.

"Jack report" he asks me.

I then proceed to tell him what I saw.

"Right Jack and Heather fly to Outcast island and get Alvin to send his army. I'll get the dragons in a cave and seal it so the king can't command them. Go now" Hiccup says.


Hiccups P.O.V

Soon, all the dragons were in a cave apart from Toothless,Windshear and Thunder as they cant be controlled and the outcasts where here

"What do you need us to do Hiccup" asked Alvin

"Hide and when I light my sword everyone run out element of surprise. Once the king shows itself me and Toothless will deal with it." I said. They nod and soon enough the ocean is filled with over 50 ships of berkian and berkian.

"Bring it on... Stoick" 

Wow Hiccups got reinforcements will he get captured or will he stay who knows im gonna write the next chapter rn byee

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