Chapter 11- The True Side Of The Dragon Master

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Hiccups P.O.V

We flew north towards the island where the king is. I turn around to see if anyones following me and to no surprise there are at least 50 ships and a dragon rider flying towards me on a stormcutter. I pull back on Toothless to make him stop and the stormcutter flew in front of us blocking our path to the island where we can ambush the king. 

"Get out of my fucking way" I snarled.

"No not until you come back with us" the dragon rider said.

The two dragons where having a face of snarling at each other.

"What come back and be executed yeah no thanks" I said "Now move."

Toothless started charging up a plasma blast.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you because as you can see there are 50 ships maybe more all aiming bolas at you do you really think you can fight your way out of this one" the dragon rider said.

"I think I can" I paused "Toothless up" my dragon roared and flew up"Now dive bud" we dived and Toothless charged up a plasma blast "Show em what you got bud" he fired a powerful shot. We landed on the main ship and I drew inferno. A viking charged me and I plunged my sword straight through his heart. Then Martin Hofferson charged me charging up a punch. I dodge under it and hit the handle of my blade on his skull cracking it. Soon enough I was surrounded but Toothless came in and blew them all to smithereens. Stoick charged me and tried to plunge a sword into my heart but I swifly moved out the way and punched his stomach I then pulled out a dagur and stabbed it into Stoicks arm. He screamed in pain and then I stab his leg making him fall on one knee.

"Fucking pathetic" I murmured then round house kicked him in the head knocking him onto the floor. I was about to cut his head of when I was pushed out the way. It was Astrid.

"You" I mutter.

"Wow Hiccup you really where about to kill your father" Astrid said.

"You mean a pathetic excuse of a father" I shot back.

"Listen Hiccup I dont know what your going through or what happened to you but I do know one thing and that is that I love you more than anything and I need the old Hiccup back not this new one full of hatred and vengence" She said.

I just glared

" You should of thought about that before you betrayed me you are just a fucking lying bitch and I hate you."

With that I charged and punched her in the gut. I then right hooked her making her fall to the ground. I was about to finish the job when Tuffnut pushed me of her. 

"Hey guys long time no see" I sneered. They where all there Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuff ruff and then Astrid.

Astrids P.O.V

Them final words what he said really hurt me. The gang appeared by my side.

"Hiccup you don't mean what you said" exclaimed Ruffnut

"Yeah as much as it pains me to say it she loves you and you love her." Snotlout said which actually surprised us. 

"However if we must we will kill you" Fishlegs said which surprised us again.

"Hiccup I love you with all I have and you may not believe me but its true" I slowly walk towards him. His eyes soften then harden again then go soft. I'm getting through to him. I walk up to him and slowly I wrap my arms around him. He doesn't move for a second then he hugs me back.

"I...I love you"to he whispered into my ear.

Everyone had stopped to watch the scene unfold.

"but I'm sorry but your to dangerous to live" I said and I plunged one of his Dagurs into his heart

"I love you Hiccup now rest you are free"

He just smiled and then his body slumped to the floor lifeless.


6 months later

Its been six months since the death of Hiccup and sometimes I wonder If I did the right thing but I know I did. I promised I'm never going to marry.

But this is what was meant to happen 

Now there really is 


No ones P.O.V

Little did they know the dark figure of Hiccup Haddock and Toothless where stood watching from afar.

Hi guy this leaves room for a sequel.Next chapter will be a epilogue

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