Chapter 6- Escape

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No ones POV

Astrid was thinking if she should help her friends or not. She knew that if she helped she would ruin her relationship with Hiccup but she can't just sit back and watch her friends get beaten. After hours of thinking and waiting for Hiccup to finally fall asleep she decided. Astrid decided that she would help. She jumped silently out of bed and crept along the corridor towards the door. She took one look Hiccup before sprinting out into the cold breeze of the night. Little did she know that a betrayed Hiccup just watched her run out the door with the keys in her hand.

Hiccups POV

I whistled for Toothless, Windshear, Thunder (Jacks whispering death) to come with there riders to my hut.

"Hiccup you called us" said Heather

"Its Astrid she's gonna let out her friends and escape we cannot let that happen" I explained

"Got it" Jack and Heather said.

"Prepare for a fight" I told them.

They nodded and we mounted up and flew to the arena. Astrids friends were already outside of the cage and grabbing weapons.

"STOP" I shouted. Me, Jack and Heather landed in the arena and drew our weapons. Jack had a mace, Heather had a double sided axe and I had Inferno my fire sword.

"Hiccup what a nice surprise we ask for our freedom" asked Astrid

"How could you do this to me Astrid was everything you said a lie" I asked

"No I do love you but I can't just sit back and watch my friends get tortured so again I ask for our freedom." she asked again.

"No" I simply said.

"Then we will fight our way out" Stoick spoke up.

"Fine... Dragons stay out of this" I said.

"Three on five... fair enough" laughed Jack

I smirk at his remark.

They charge at us first. Astrid and Ruffnut went after Heather, Tuffnut and fishlegs went after Jack and Stoick and Snotlout came after me. I turn on my heel and run towards the wall. I jump up at the wall so my left foot is on it and push of back flipping over Snotlout making him run into the wall, he was dazed so I grab his head and smash against the wall leaving a dent, he was knocked out cold. I turn around just in time to see Stoick lunge at me. I sidestep and punch his jaw dazing him. Stoick lands a punch on my gut sending me back a bit. I run at him and Stoick charges up a punch, a soon as he threw it I move out the way sweep him of his feet sending himm crashing to the ground. I go around him and kick him in the face knocking him out. Two down three to go. 

I see jack struggling against fishlegs and tuffnut so I pick up a stone and pelt it at Fishlegs head knocking him out. "Go help Heather, Jack I'll deal with Tuffnut" He nods and goes to help his girlfriend.

"Longtime no see H" Tuff said he then charged at me. Before he could swing at me I kicked him on the side making him double over in pain. I upper cut him sending him flying. I look over to Jack and Heather were Astrid is standing over there unconscious bodys. Ruffnut is also unconscious. 

"Hiccup I dont want to fight you" she said

"You should of thought about that when you betrayed my trust and tryed to escape" with saying that I charge at her. She trys to punch me but I doge and rugby tackle her against the wall. She draws her axe and I block it with Inferno she pushes me of her and our blades connect. "Hiccup please stop this"she said "Never"

I throw a punch and hit her in the stomach making her double over I then right hook making her fall on the floor. Just as I was about to kick her in the head to knock her out I got pushed from behind. I turn around to see Dagur with his sword drawn and the entire berk village with weapons all facing me. All of the gang get up and go to the berk crowd.

"Brother" Dagur said

"Why have you set them free Dagur." I ask

"As much as I hate Berk I hate you more so I helped them" Dagur explained

"Shit" I mutter "Windshear, Thunder get Jack and Heather out of here Toothless your with me"

"Hiccup stop this now its not to late" Astrid says

Astrids POV

"Lass theres no point the Hiccup we once knew is gone this Hiccup is evil theirs no stopping him" Stoick said.

"You should listen to Stoick Astrid I thought I loved you but after this you are nothing to me" Hiccup said. I fought back tears at that last statement. 

"Anyway come Dagur lets finish this between us" I heard Hiccup say

"Gladly" Dagur said as he charged forwards. There blades connected and they fought, blocking and parrying each otheres swings. Hiccup kicked at Dagurs stomach making him drop the sword. Dagur then grabbed Hiccups and threw it away. Hiccup punched first and it connected with Dagurs face. Dagur then punched hiccup in the stomach which sent Hiccup stumbling for a moment but he quickly regained his posture. Hiccup punched Dagur in the nose breaking it. Hiccup then rugby tackled Dagur to the ground. Hiccup grabbed a Rock and started smashing Dagurs face with it until Dagur stopped breathing. 

Hiccup stood up breathing heavily. Hiccup then collapsed to the ground exhausted, I wanted to run to him to see if he was okay but Stoick dragged me out towards the ship so we could escape.

Spitelout and a few other vikings stayed in there to kill Hiccup but then Toothless came and protected him which sent the vikings running.


We where all very shaken by what he said, I couldnt hold back the tears anymore I was crying the man who I loved said he wanted to kill me.

I know the real Hiccup is in there somewhere I just have to find out how to get to him


Our escape was official when Berk came into view, well what was left of berk we are just going to set up camp and stay there for a while.

Later that day Stoick called a meeting in the great hall for everyone.

Hi longest chapter yet, I rewrote this chapter how I didnt like how the other chapter 6 went.

I've had loads of new ideas so this book isn't finishing anytime soon it'll probs go up to like chapter 15 or 20 somewhee along them lines then I'll satrt working on the second book as I am planning on making this a trilogy anyway byeeeee

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