Chapter 10- Fight For The King Of Dragons

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A/N just wanted to say thank you so much fro over 100 views it really means alot and when I first started this book I had no idea it would get this many views. I know it doesn't sound like much but to me it is so enjoy the chapter and have a nice day

Astrids P.O.V

We all stare at Valka in disbelief. Hiccup would never kill a dragon. Would he?

"Why would Hiccup do that" I ask.

"Because the Bewilderbeast still has control over his dragons if him and Toothless kill the king then Toothless will be the new king and Hiccup will be the dragon master again and if that happens he will become unstoppable." she said.

"Is the Bewilderbeast still on Berk" I asked.

"No he's on an island just North from here" Valka said.

"Thank you for telling me where he is" said Hiccup walking out the darkness with a bloody sword from where I'm guessing he stabbed the guards.

"Hiccup don't kill the king" Valka asked. She was now wearing her helmet.

"Then tell him to give my dragons back" he said.

"Then what happens" I ask

"I wage war on Berk and kill everyone who defy me" he said.

"And what makes you think that will make us give you your dragons back" said Snotlout as him and the gang appeared beside us.

"Great... right I'll guess I'll just deal with you lot first then go and kill the king" he sighed and he looked bored." Astrid, you can either join me or stay here and watch the entirety of the archipelago get burnt to the ground." Now everyone was looking at me.

"What will it be Astrid" Hiccup asked me. Everyone was awaiting my answer.

"I'm sorry Hiccup but I can't just leave my home and friends to be killed by you" I said.

He looked hurt but it quickly faded when more people came out of the arena after the trial and saw us facing off against him. The people of Berk quickly surrounded him and drew there weapons.

"Toothless you take on the vikings behind me I'll deal with the Stoick and them lot." he said and the dragon roared in agreement.

"You chose the wrong choice Astrid now you will perish with them." Hiccup said.

I was hurt but I didn't let it show.

"Not if we take you down here" I snarled.

"One minute you love me the next you hate me you call yourself a viking and you can't even get your feelings right" he shot back.

"Everyone this a kill mission if you get the chance do not hesitate to kill his dragon or Hiccup" Stoick boomed " Valka go get on Cloudjumper and warn the king."

She nods and runs towards her dragon.

"Toothless" Hiccup shouts and points towards Valka.

Toothless shoots at her feet making her get blasted onto the ground knocking her out.

"Come on then give it your best shot" Hiccup shouted

We all let out a battle cry and we all charged we where going to kill Hiccup I can't bring myself to kill him someone else can that is if we can get close.

Hiccup was quick on his feet and weaved in and out of us slashing leaving deep wounds. Stoick managed to get a hit through but that just left him more enraged. We looked around and saw a lot of people dead from Toothless some fatally wounded.

"Tuffnut,Fishlegs, Snotlout,Ruffnut go help the others with the dragon"boomed Stoick.

They all nod and run of.

"Oh no you don't" Hiccup said and pulled a dagur out of his belt and threw it at Snotlout. It hit his back and he collapsed not moving but still slightly breathing.

"He'll be dead in couple minutes" I think he saw us staring in disbelieve that Hiccup did that."What you don't have your heir no more you gonna cry" he laughed.

"Who are you... you are not Hiccup" I ask

"I'll tell you who I am... Hiccup Haddock the dragon master the ruthless killer and I know you think I care about you but I will not hesitate to kill you if you get in my way." He said

"Hiccup I care about you a lot but your way to dangerous to live" I said.

"Ha I'm flattered" He said sarcastically.

"Astrid I'm going to leave him to you I need to go help the others" Stoick told me.

I nod. I turn to face Hiccup but he's already charging towards me I lift up my axe to block but he just moves around it and takes out my hand. He then proceeds to twist me around and he holds MY axe against my throat and holds my arms behind my back.

"STOP" he shouted.

Everyone stopped and looked at him.

"Toothless come" Hiccup said and he ran over " So sorry to ruin your fun but I must go now and get my dragons back, take a step closer and she dies" He threatened . "Sorry milady but I need to get away somehow" 

"Don't call me that" I snarl

"What don't you love me anymore, funny" he shot back.

He climbs on the back of a his Night Fury and says "Well its been fun and I'll be back with my dragons so bye" with that he pushes me to the ground "Bye milady" he sneers then they flew into the sky towards where were keeping the king. 

We lost and now the king is going to die...

cliffhangar really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Im sorry to say but this book is coming to a close but the next one will start to be wrote as soon as this one finishes anyway byeeeeeeee

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