Chapter 9-Fight And Trial

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Astrids P.O.V

Our ships docked on Hiccups island and the army got of and awaited Stoicks command. Then Hiccup and Toothless walk towards us by themselves no dragon army nothing, theres no way hiccup thinks he can take on an entire army. The king of dragons has shown itself yet.

All of sudden Hiccup raises his sword. He stays still for a moment then lights it on fire and the outcasts come running out of the woods. Hiccups two friends appear next to them then all three of them charge. Our army chose to attack now.

Stoick turns his head to me

"YOU LET HICCUP KNOW WE WHERE COMING" he grabbed me by the throat and lifted me of the ground drawing his sword.

"YOU TRAITOR" he was about to bring the sword down on my throat when he got punched


Hiccups P.O.V

I see Astrid get lifted of the ground by Stoick she's gonna be stabbed. I find myself running towards them. Just as Stoick was about to stab her I punch him.

"Hiccup" she said

"Milady, are you alright"

Astrids P.O.V

Hiccup just saved me

"Hiccup" I say

"Milady, are you alright"

I nod he turns to face Stoick. Before he can I turn him around and crash my lips into his. I could tell he was shocked but then he kissed back.

"I'm sorry" I breathe.

Before he could answer I was dragged away by my Dad and Hiccup was surrounded by Stoick, Spitelout, Valka and my dad. Everyone had stopped fighting and was now watching to see what would happen. Thats when Hiccup noticed his two friends were dead. He looked at the five people around him

"Your gonna pay for that" he snarled before drawing his fire sword.

My dad was the first one to charge at him but Hiccup simply blocked him and kicked him away then Stoick and Valka charged but Hiccup just parried and punched Stoick then Hiccup charged at Spitelout tried to move but got a punch to the temple knocking him out cold. Hiccup then turned to my Dad and charged at him. He punched my Dad in the stomach making him double over the uppercutted him sending him to the ground. Hiccup drew his sword and was about to kill him.

"no...NOOOOOOOO" i shout. Hiccup looks at me which gives Stoick time to get Hiccup on the ground and start tying him up. In a last ditch attempt Hiccup lets out a roar and all his dragons came over the hill but it was no use as the king took control of them all. 

"NOOOOO" He screamed and looked at me then he was knocked out. Him and Toothless would be put in a cell when we get back.


Hiccups P.O.V

I woke up with a jolt and I found myself in a cell back on berk. I found I had a chain around my ankle.

"He's awake go get Stoick and Astrid" I heard someone say. Then I remember my friends are dead...Toothless wher is Toothless!

"Ah your awake" I heard Stoick say.

"Ye and I'd much rather be dead than be in this shithole" I shot back.

"HICCUP" I heard Astrid say. She ran into the cell unlocked my chains and threw her arms around me. I hug her back almost immedietly. 

"I'm so sorry Hiccup"  she said.

"Hey it's okay I forgive you it just hurt a little bit okay" I said.

"I love you" Astrid said.

"I love you to" I say she then walked out locking the cell behind her.

"What do you want Stoick" I say

"We have all your dragons you've lost Hiccup you will have a trial to determine your punishment" Stoick said.

"Fine by me" I said


"Hiccup Haddock you have been charged of kidnapping what do you plead" shouted Stoick

"Guilty"I shout

"You have also been charged with murder and torture to an entire village what do you plead" he shouted 

I yawn "Guilty".

"Hiccup Haddock with these charges you will be snetenced to death" he shouted.

"Ye ye whatever can I go back to my cell now" I ask

"Take him away"

The guards drag me away and astrid looks at me like what have you done. 

Astrids P.O.V

"Stoick you said you wouldnt kill him he's your only son"me and Valka shout.

"That aint no son of mine thats an evil boy and he means nothing to me" he turns to walk away when we hear a scream from Hiccups cell. I smile to myself as Hiccup has just broken free. We run to the arena where the guards are lying dead. Hiccups dragon is gone.

Valkas P.O.V

"The king" I blurt out "Hiccup is going to kill the king"

DUN DUN DUNN anyway hope you liked this chapter and thank you for over 70 views it means alot byeeeeeeeee

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