Chapter 5- Explanation,seeing friends and fight

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Astrids P.O.V

"H-Hiccup" I was so happy. I flung my arms around him in hugged him tight. He hugged back. I then rembered what he had done "WHY IN THORS NAME DID YOU ATTACK BERK" I shouted




I flinch as he seemed mad now I think he noticed and calmed down.

"Why did you do it though Hiccup"I asked

"For revenge" he simply said. I was about to shout at him but he stopped me by saying

"I was abused and bullied by everyone even by  my own father if I messed up my father would slap, kick, punch, and burn me so I left, you never did anything but I cared for you thats why your here"

I start to sob

Hiccups P.O.V

After I said that last bit she started to cry I didnt know what to do so I pulled her into a hug she didnt stop me and she just hugged back and cryed into my shoulder I rubbed her back trying to calm her "I'm sorry Hiccup for everthing" she sobbed

"You did nothing wrong thats why your not in a cage your here with me but I'm sorry but everyone else including your friends will not be forgiven they will be tortured like I was"

"No please dont" I heard her plead

"Im sorry Astrid" I paused "But I have to"

"Can I see them" she asks

"Yes but I'm coming with" I say

She nods and we head out towards the arena.

Time skip

Me and Astrid arrived at the arena where a cage was in with Snotlout,Ruffnut,Tuffnut,Fishlegs and Stoick were all in.

"Astrid I was so worried about you If he's done anything to you I swear I'll kill him" shouted Snotlout.

"Will you now" I said " I take that as a challenge after you lot and Astrid have had an catch up me and you Snotlout will fight"

"I accept" said Snotlout.

"Good, right I'll leave you guys to catch up" I walk out.

I walk over to Jack and Heather "Guys I'm going to fight that Snotlout one"

"Hiccup, be fair and take of your armor apart from helmet and bottoms" said Jack

"Ye it'll be fair and you can scare him with all them scars you have" said Heather.

"Alright fine now its time to feed our dragons" I say and we all walk off.

Astrids P.O.V

"Are you ok Astrid" asked Stoick

"I'm fine" I say " but we need to figure out an escape plan" I say

It didn't feel right going behind Hiccups back but he would end up killing my friends and I couldn't let that happen

"I saw the keys for this cage in his hut I can get them tonight and we can all leave raise an army and come back and take back our people, and in the meantime don't do anything stupid and dont get killed in the fight".

"Understood" everyone said.

"Alright times up" said hiccup "Snotlout get out and go to the otherside fist fight no weapons just so I dont kill you" He unlocks the cage door and drags Snotlout out. He then locks the cage again and goes to get ready.

He drags me out and puts me in the stand the two other dragon riders watching me closely they seem to stand guard so we might have to kill them to get out. 

The door to the arena opened and Hiccup came in with only his bottom armor on. His body was different, he had a very visible six pack and had scars all over his back. That wasn't the thing what surprised me the most. He wasn't wearing his helmet.

"HICCUP" everyone shouted

"Shut up" he said and everyone was silent

"Come on Snotlout show me what a real viking is" hiccup said

"HICCUP I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID" Snotlout shouted and he ran forward.

Snotlout reached him and threw a punch but hiccup easily dodged and threw him. Snotlout got back up and ran again this time hiccup threw a punch square at his nose breaking it the kneed him in the chest and then another punch to jaw sent him flying into the cage what was still in the arena. Snotlout was knocked out and Hiccup threw him inside. 

"I'll be back tomorrow to deal with you lot" he said then walked out not listening to the pleas of everyone to tell them what happened.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me back to his house.

As we enter the living room he punches a wall making his knuckles bleed.


"I didnt just fatally wounded him" he shot back.

"YOU ARE NOT THE HICCUP I KNEW THE KIND CARING ONE THE... THE ONE I LOVED"I screamed I go to walk upstairs but he grabs me and turns me around.

"Did you mean it" he asks

I nod "But this is a different kind of hiccup I still love yo-" I was cut of as he was kissing me I was shocked at first but then kissed back.

"Astrid I love you to but I have to do it I promise I wont kill anyone my friends are already treating Snotlouts wounds" I nod and then kiss him again

"Its getting late you should get some sleep you have my bed I'll sleep down here with Toothless"

'Toothless his dragon I forgot about him'

"Hiccup, can you sleep with me, no- not in a weird way just like in the same bed"

"No I can't I'm busy working tonight sorry" he says with an apolagetic smile.

"Thats okay goodnight... I love you" I say

"Good night Milady, I love you to".

I walk up to his room thinking I'm going behind his back, I have to though I snatch the cage keys before getting in bed. Now I wait...

Hi surprise another chapter next chapter will be up tommorow though anyway what do u think will happen Byeee

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