Chapter 7-The meeting

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Astrids P.O.V

When the ship finally docked at the remains of Berk, I climb of the ship my eyes still puffy from crying. I'm looking for my parents. I finally see them standing also looking for me

"MUM, DAD OVER HERE" I shouted. They sprint over and engulf me in a hug.

"Astrid are you okay, that Dragon master better not of done anything to you or I'll have his head on a spike." said my Dad.

"I'm fine Dad" I sigh at him always being so brutal.

"Thats good did you notice that he looked alot like Hiccup, it can't be him though he's dead" said my Mum.

I look at the ground not answering.

"Astridd what do you know" my Dad asked.

" I have to explain something to you but you have to promise to not tell anyone as I think Stoick is going to announce it later" I say

"Okay" said both of my parents.

"So the Dragon master is... Hiccup" I said.

"What, no way Hiccup he wouldn't have the guts to kill someone" said my Dad

"You are going to explain what happened from you and the gang fighting him to the escape fight" said my Mum

I nod " When he first came Stoick left me and the gang to deal with him, I threw my axe at him and he caught it like it was a ball. I then charged at him I was gonna kill him so he had to punch me It was hard and It dazed me badly. Then Snotlout came in and started fighting him but he got a knee in the stomach and an uppercut which knocked him out. Then the twins went took a side and threw spears at him and he caught them and used the blunt side to knock them out. Then fishlegs tackled him but he got punched and it knocked him out."

"Wow so Hiccup has gotten a lot stronger" said my mum.

I nod "Then the entire village was surrounded by dragons then you saw what happend, Stoick and Hiccup fought and Hiccup won. I was then carried of by one of his dragon riders and put in his house and locked in. At the time I didnt know it was Hiccup so I was scared he was going to hurt me. When he came in the room his voice was soothing and he said he wasn't going to hurt me. After he took me to the living room he showed me who he was so I hugged him then I remembered what he had done and I started shouting at him. Then he told me he only did it for the abuse he put up with, as I was the only one who didn't do anything he didn't put me in a cage. I then started crying and he pulled me into a hug. He said that everyone else was going to be tortured. Luckily we got everyone out before he had a chance to. I then asked him if I could see my friends he said yes but he had to go with me. Then Snotlout being Snotlout got hot headed and said he would kill him if he'd done anything to me. Hiccup took it as a challenge and he offered to fight him thats when he revealed himself to the gang by not putting on his helmet. He only had the bottom half of his armor on. He had a very visible six pack muscular arms but loads of scars on his body. Snotlout and him fought and Hiccup won he then left us to talk and we figured out an escape plan. We where gonna leave everyone there and come back with an army. After that me and Hiccup went back to his house and I was angry and said that this isn't the Hiccup I loved. I went to storm of upstairs but he stopped me and turned me around. He then aske if I meant it I said yes and he kissed me, and yes I did kiss back. Anyway later that night when I thought he was asleep I snuck out and thats when Hiccup and his friends ambushed us we fought they won then Dagur came in before Hiccup could knock me out. Then you saw what happened and heard what he said from there, he said he would kill me, the man who I loved said he wanted to kill me" I finish as I'm fighting back tears"

"Oh Astrid I'm so sorry you have to feel this way" my mum says.

"I miss him and I know that the good Hiccup is still in there somewhere I just have to find out how to get to him" I say.


We all headed to the great hall.

I was sat with the gang in front of the Chiefs table because I was told I might need to speak about Hiccup. I was deep in thought until Stoick cleared his throat.

"Your suspicions are true... the new enemy is my son... Hiccup." There where gasps and whispers. "But this is not the kind caring Hiccup we once knew. This Hiccup is relentless, ruthless, evil and driven by rage. He is not afraid to kill and is one off, if not the best fighter in and out the archipelago. You all heard what he said as we made our escape. He will come looking for us with his dragons again and maybe even a human army so I have made a decision we are going to him". 

"But we can't beat him Stoick" I speak up.

"Yes we can, as the chief of berserker island was killed by Hiccup. As there is no one to step in I will become the temporary chief of both tribes.Our main goal will be to capture Hiccup but I'm sorry Astrid, I know you love him but if it comes to it we must kill him".

I nod but I don't want Hiccup dead. I know I can get through to the old Hiccup.

I walk out of the great hall with tears in my eyes.


I was sat on the stairs to the great hall. Until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and it's Ruffnut. The gang is behind her.

"Listen Ast we know you don't want to kill Hiccup but you heard him he said he would kill us all" said Ruffnut.

"I know but I know the old Hiccup is still in there if we can capture him I can probably get through to him" 

I was about to say something else when there was a crash and a Stormcutter dragon crash landed and there was a rider. It was a women, Stoick needs to see this.

"Come on lets go get Stoick" I say

Looks like we have another dragon rider on our hands.

Oooo who could it be I bet you already know who it is and I bet your thinking whats gonna happen when they go and attack hiccup will he be captured or will they die will astrid gets thru to him idk yet so yh byeeee

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