Chapter 4- Revenge

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Astrids P.O.V

The Dragon master stepped off the Night Fury. I couldn't see his face as he had a helmet with Night Fury scales,you could only see his forest green eyes through the slits in the mask. 

"What do you want" boomed Stoick

"I'll tell you what I want, I want you all to come up to my island and become my prisoners and slaves" he exclaimed. 

We all burst out laughing "We will never do that well you can try but you and your devils will die trying" shouted Stoick

Now It was his turn to laugh " You'll see" he said. He turned arounded and nodded at the Night Fury. The Night Fury roared and soon over 10,000 Dragons were apon us.

"Odin help us" I muttered.

"Astrid,Snotlout,Ruffnut,Tuffnut, you hold him off" said Stoick we nod and turn our attention to the dragon master.

"Why are you doing this" I ask him.

"You'll find out soon enough, now enough talk come on fight me"

I take my axe out from my back and chuck it at him as hard and as quick as I could. He didn't move or even make an attempt to dodge it. When the axe was about to chop his face in two he caught it. I'm suddenly very shocked as the screaming carries on from vikings fighting for there home. I charge at him and he dodges my punch and in one swift motion his fist collides with my jaw sending me spiining to the ground dazed. I can't tell if I heard him mumble sorry or I was just dazed.

Snotlout got very angry and charged at him sword swinging "HOW DARE YOU" I heard him say I look up just in time to see him get a knee in the stomach and an uppercut sending him flying. The twins then rush him with spears. They go on either side of him and chuck both spears at him again he doesn't move and just catches both of them then smacks the blunt side of the spears on the twins skull and they go crashing to the ground. Then fishlegs comes out of no where and rugby tackles the dragon master to the ground but he just gets thrown of and ends up knocked out the ground.

We all get up and the entire village is being surrounded in the town center. The dragn master just watches in amusement until Stoicks fist collides with his face. The Dragon master gets up quickly.

'This is it if the dragon master wins we all go to his island and become slaves if stoick wins then the dragon master will most likely die. Theres nothing we can do but watch as the dragons have surrounded us in that time I notice there are two other dragon riders. I turn my attention to the fight.

Stoick pulls out a sword and the so does the dragon master. We are all shocked as he sets it on fire. Stoick is the first person to charge the dragon master dodges and throws stoick on the floor he kicks stoick sword a way and he sheaths his, he's gonna have a fist fight with stoick Thor this guy is crazy. Stoick charges again but gets a sharp punch to the jaw then another and another, Stoick tries to kick out the dragon masters legs but he just jumps over it and does a round house kick to stoicks jaw. Stoick is on the ground and is forced into the circle were we are.

"Wow you put up a good fight like I dont even have a scratch on me well done" he said sarcastically. He nods at the dragons and they start escorting us to this huge boat where berkians where being put in cages he nods at the other dragon rider and the fly towards me and pick me up. I'm screaming for help. "I'm sorry berkian but the dragon master wants to speak with you alone" I heard the dragon rider say.

After about two hours of flying a island comes into view. We land and I get escorted into a hut and put in a room with no windows. "He'll be here shortly" the dragon rider said and she left locking the door

What is he going to do to me I thought beat me,rape me,kill me I need to prepare myself for the worst. For once I'm actually scared as this guy beat five of berks most fierce warriors. Now all I can do is wait.

Time skip

I heard the front door open and I'm assuming its the dragon master. I'm starting to panic I curled up in a ball in the far corner. His footsteps grew louder until he reached my door. He opened and I saw his eyes wide in shock as he see's me curled up in a ball in the corner

"Hey its alright I'm not going to hurt you" his voice was soothing and I felt myself calm a bit but I was still on edge. He walks up to me and I try and push myself further into the wall. "What are you going to do to me" I ask my voice laced with fear. 

"Nothing I just want to tell you why I did this". I nod and he offers me his hand I take it and he pulls me out of the room and into a living room and he sat me down on the couch.

" I'm going to show you who I am but you can't tell anyone" he said. I nod and he slides of his helmet. His messy auburn hair and forest green eyes. My eyes widen when I see who it is


Hi guys longest chapter yet. Next chapter up tommorow byeeee

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