Chapter 2- 5 years later

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(Just so you know everyone looks like they look in httyd 2 but hiccup is wearing helmet )

Astrids P.O.V

Five years later

Its been five years since the disapearence of Hiccup and four years since he was declared dead. 

I was there when he was taken but I was to late I couldn't do anything so I ran back to the village to tell Stoick. When I got back to the village everyone was in a panic the night fury what I just saw take Hiccup had the audacity to free all the dragons we kept in the killing arena.

After everything died down I ran to tell Stoick, he sent out a search party. Everyone kept on searching for a year until Hiccup was finally pronounced dead. He had a proper viking funeral. I even let a few tears slip, I may or may not of had a tiny crush on him but that doesn't matter he's gone now and not coming back but I still have never dated anyone else even with Snotlouts continuous flirting. He never gives up even after I knock him out and ye that brings us back to present day where our lives will change forever.

I was walking to the great hall by myself until the gang showed up "Hey babe" said Snotlout "It's been five years since useless's death I'm honestly happy I bet you are to now I have you all to myself". That was it I lunge at him pushing him to the ground. I get on top of him knees first and start punching him with all my might I knocked a few teeth out I think. " Point taken" he said "God no wonder your parents are dead they must of wanted to get away from you same with Hiccup" he muttered the last bit but I still heard I fought back tears and carried on walking. 

I was interupted when there was a panic evryone screaming "DRAGON ARMY HEADING OUR WAY"

"Everyone prepare for battle the Dragon master has come" shouted Stoick. No this cant be happening I thought. The Dragon master was still a good 20 minutes away. 

Everyone geared up for battle. We all stood in the middle of the town overlooking the ocean where the dragon army was coming from. There was a Night Fury leading the charge with a man dressed in full battle armor a helmet covering his face. 

The Night Fury roared and the army stopped. Then the Night Fury charged forward and landed 10 feet away from us. 

Well Hope you liked the chapter the next chapter will be 5 hours earlier  Hiccups pov 

anyway the next chapter will be a filler chapter but the chapter after stuff goes down next chapter will be relaeased later or tommorow. byeeee

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