《 28. Venus Fly Trap 》

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I sacrificed it all for a life to call mine
All the love and security to be myself, oh, I


"Hey, wake up!" A familiar raspy yet high-pitched voice called out to you.

You slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you saw was the clear blue sky. Familiar faces looked down at you.

You promptly sat up from the grass floor. At the same time, Leona was getting up himself. You had been laying slightly close to him.

That was...

"Huh?" The lion grumbled in confusion.

"Finally, you guys are awake!" Grim cheered happily, holding up his paws in excitement. "We didn't know what to do if you stayed unconscious, yanno?"

He marched in front of Leona. "Alright, confess to all your crimes now." He demanded.

Leona held his head. His eyes were wide, pupils dilated in shock. "Huh...? What'd you say?"

Now that Leona came to his senses, Headmaster Crowley stepped forward. He scrutinized the student with a serious look.

"Kingscholar. You went into Overblot after all those negative feelings consumed you." He recapped. He was bewildered at Leona's dazed mannerisms. "Do you not remember?"

"I went berserk... Overblot? You've gotta be kidding me..." The lion muttered in disbelief.

Grim shot up in a panic. "Forget that! The Magical Shift Tournament is about to start!"

The monster jabbed a furry paw in Leona's direction. He let his priorities loudly be known. "If you don't confess now, I won't be able to participate in the match!"

Leona raised a brow in confusion. "Huh...? What the heck are you talking about?" He asked.

"These guys were chasing after you because the Headmaster promised them that they could compete in the tournament." Jack explained, letting the cat out of the bag.

Ruggie's eyes widened in shock. "Eh? Just for that?" He couldn't believe that. He looked at you. Did you make that immaculate plan just to play?

Since you were standing behind Grim and out of his view, you rapidly shook your head at Ruggie.

I'm not a part of that mess!

Grim didn't notice as he continued. "It's not that simple! I mean, you guys injured people because of the tournament, too!" He retorted.

The hyena's ears dejectedly fell flat. He couldn't combat that argument. "Th-that's... That's true, but..." He murmured under his breath.

"So, it's safe to assume that you boys are behind the consecutive accidents?" Crowley determined from Ruggie's half-baked confession.

For a moment, Leona fell silent. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "...Yeah, that's right." He admitted.

You blinked in surprise. Instead of running away or denying, he was owning up to it.

"I understand. Now then, Savanaclaw will have to be disqualified from the competition. And then, you shall have to apologize to everyone you've injured. Am I understood?" The Headmaster looked at the three of them.

"... Got it." Leona replied. Jack and Ruggie stood there in shameful silence.

It was finally over. Savanaclaw were caught for cheating, and suffered the consequences of their actions.

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