𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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Mature Content
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I feel myself growing utterly sick from the amount of cringe that's going around campus today -- Today is Valentine's Day and it seems
like I could not turn the corner of the corridor
without seeing two people snogging.

Making things worse, the childish just so
happens to fall on a damn Friday this year. Most students didn't have classes on Friday's and If they did, I'm sure that they ended early. Which means Im going to be running into two people together all day long.

Which is why I decided to stay inside of the dungeons the entire day. But it seems like I couldn't even avoid the make out session of
two horny teens in my own place of comfort.

My hands flipped the page of the book that's placed in my lap, I was sat on the large velvet couch in the Slytherin common room with my feet on the arm rest. Choosing too just ignore the whispering between Theodore and the 7th
year Ravenclaw girl that he'd chosen to be his victim for todays holiday.

I would read in my own room but it just so
happened that apart of me did not feel like being alone today. Theodore had me under the wrong impression that he'd keep me occupied
being that are other friends are shagging.

But like I just said, that impression was definitely wrong.

Loud chatter comes from the corridor that leads to the girls dormitory. Looking up for a moment I'm not surprised to see Daphne
Greengrass, her younger sister that I honestly forgot the name of, Tracey Davis, and Millicent Bulstrode holding a conversation.

When the blondes eyes land on what was taking place on the couch she sneers loudly. "Nott, don't you have a dorm that you could fuck her in?" Daphne no doubt had an small
school girl crush on Theodore and he knew it. Theodore always talked about how hot she was so I don't see why he doesn't get with her.

My brows mockingly raised up, and I gently licked the pad of my finger before turning to the next page of my book that I hadn't realized I was almost through with until now.

Theodore who obviously heard her, eyes snapped up to the group. With a hard glare, Theo mouthed for them to stop being a cock block before attaching his mouth back to the blushing brunettes neck.

"Whatever, you jerk." Daphne hissed underneath her breath. The nasty look on her face disappeared when she looked down at me, now smiling sweetly. "Would you like to join us, Moons? Were all going to the great hall to
get some treats that their offering."

Daphne was a rather nice girl but her two friends aren't exactly my trophy friend group. Tracey Davis was annoying and Beatrice smelt like what I imagined a elderly women who had an obsession with cats to smell like.

But when the girl underneath Theodore whimpers I realize that I've been craving strawberry ice cream and the kitchen offered it all day long on Valentine's Day. I nodded my head at Daphne, throwing my book onto the coffee table in front of the chair.

"Be safe." I sarcastically say while standing, brushing my hand off on my jeans. "I would offer you some ice cream but it seems like your going to be having enough cream for the night" I nagged as I glowered at both of them.

Theodore's middle finger shoots up and Daphne giggled, wrapping her arms around mine and dragging me out of the dungeons. Not to my surprise, we are all greeted by an
hufflepuff girl and Slytherin kissing.

The two students didn't even bother breaking apart at our presents. Were there no professors around to put an end to this crap? Who am I kidding, Snape is probably someone hiding out from all of this crap as well.

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