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- three years later.

Till this day, Rebekah Moons still hated shopping for new attire for the upcoming Hogwarts school year - She didn't even know how she found herself in this hectic situation at the age of twenty almost twenty one - Her little brother Alec dragged her down the crowded street of Diagon Alley, sending excited sorry's to the people that he'd ran over.

Alec had been the son of her mother so technically her half brother; She hadn't met
until she was nearly nineteen years of age, her mother and step father had been sentenced to Azkaban for being entangled with Voldemort.
The ministry brought him too her and for some reason she felt some type of pull to him. It felt like he was the type of brother that she'd want around to keep a secret or two,

So it'd just been Alec and her and on rare occasions Theo who'd come and sleep on her couch when his girlfriend Luna kicked him out. She still didn't remember how that happened - but Rebekah seemed to not remember an lot of important things and she hated that.

Rebekah didn't even remember what exact events led up to her forgetting an entire year. Sometimes she'd cry at night, feeling as if she lost an important factor in her life.

Though she tried to keep that covered, not wanting her brother too see anything wrong with her way of life. Her father passed away a
month after the Wizarding war, and although she had inherited everything, even their home:
Rebekah didn't find in living in the large home interesting or even flattering.

A lot of the stores in Diagon Alley had been different from when Rebekah was growing up. They'd been rebranded into an newer version with a new name and an better styled building. Even though she thought it looked a bit cheap, Rebekah new that after the Wizarding war that people needed a restart in life.

"Let's go in here Moons!" Exclaimed Alec. Rebekah's eyes quickly looked forward and found a large beam of light, "That looks so fun c'mon Moons let's go inside."

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Rebekah had heard that the Weasley twins opened up a joke shop from Luna years ago. She began to reminisce on the most popular jokesters around school when she attended.
Being that Rebekah was aware of the death of one of the owners, Fred Weasley, she was a bit shocked that it still looked so fun. Though she didn't know the twins personally, Rebekah did know that they were quite close.

Unlike most teenagers, she never got to experience the opening of their joke shop during the beginning of her sixth year - or at least she hadn't remembered the experience. So there was apart of her that wanted to step inside and see exactly how it looked.

But with everything that had went down between the people she surrounded herself around and them she didn't know If she been welcomed inside of there. Rebekah did recall being so impolite to the youngest Weasley boy
during their time at school,

The Weasley's would probably laugh if she stepped foot in there trying to buy their stuff. Looking down at Alec, he seemed to almost be bursting with excitement. Rebekah didn't really recall ever being glad about going to Hogwarts, not even during her first year.

"Oka--" Before Rebekah could even finish speaking Alec was running to the building. Shaking her head with an smile on her face, Rebekah followed behind him.

Rebekah was thankful for meeting Alec - everyone that she grew up with seemed to be doing their own thing now. Theodore spent his time following behind Luna, Blaise is handling business that her father left behind with Zack.
and for some odd reason, Blaise hadn't allowed Jennifer or Draco to be around Rebekah.

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