𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Ginny Weasley and I hold eye contact for a entire minute, confusion written all over her pale freckled face as she just stared me down.
Her brows raised and she humorously laughs
before turning too her blushing older brother and closing the door shut again.

I couldn't do anything but stand there, eyes still staring at the spot where Ginny just stood. She's not stupid or inexperienced so I am sure that she put together what was going on.

Ginny Weasley, Jennifer Jean, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood -- That's four entire people who knew about me and Ron's ongoing entanglement,

"What is Moons doing in your room?" She questioned like I couldn't hear her. "In your jumper? Are you guys having sex?"

"Ginny--" Ron attempted to shush her,

"You guys are, aren't you?" Ginny practically yelled out with another laugh, this one a little more convincing than the other.

The door yanks back open and I yelp out, reaching out to slam it back shut but Ginny grabbed onto my hand.

I huffed loudly when she pulls me out of the bathroom, not even bothering to put up a fight. The younger girl looked me up and down and I am glad that I took the little time before Ginny
came barging in to clean off my legs,

My eyes are still wide as I looked at Ron, unsure on what to do right now -- it was just like with Jennifer two months ago, I'd been caught red handed and couldn't exactly deny it.
Or manipulate the situation to make it seem like it wasn't what it actually was.

Seeing my obvious discomfort with the situation right now, Ron sighed, "Ginny."

She waved her brother off and looked in between us. "Don't just stand there looking all stupid." Ginny aggressively said and I'm token back at her sudden tone.

"What?" I defensively asked, snatching my wrist out of her tight grip on me. I fought off the urge too say something mean too the girl,
knowing how it would look right now.

"What?" She mocked, scoffing loudly and rolling her eyes before continuing. "How long have you two been shagging?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line -- I didn't exactly feel comfortable telling Ron's sister or anybody else for that damn matter how long
that we have been shagging.

Especially since I could feel her judgmental attitude on me but I understand it. If Blaise or Theo started shagging Hermione randomly I'd probably be unsure about it also,

"Ron?" She turns to face him.

"Since winter break." He responded immediately.

"Ron!" I shrieked.

"What do you want me to lie?" He spits out, holding up his hands In defensive. I glared up at him through my eyelashes.

He continued, "Look Ginny. You can't tell anyone that she's in here, not even Hermione.
Moons is going through somethin--"

"Yeah I know Ron.." Ginny cuts him short, voice indicating that she wasn't sympathetic. Rolling my eyes I decided that I'd much rather deal with whatever was in the corridor than be judged by a half ass blood traitor,

She looked back over at me, blue eyes searching for something too be off. Ginny looked shocked but at the same time she didn't,
as if she just knew and have just been waiting
for some type of confirmation.

"Guess that explains why you have been walking around with a stick in your ass lately." She shook her heart at me, eyes still looking me up and down with aversion. "And I assume that Harry and Hermione doesn't know about this?"

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