Chapter Five

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Wolves howled in the distance, their voices sent echoes around the pair as they walked the horses all night. The moon was crisp and bright in the sky, lighting the way for Izuku to see. The map lead them across a marsh, and down river. The prince had never been this far from the castle, which gave his stomach nervous knots but he ignored them.

The entire time he was on horseback the only thing that crossed his mind was sleep. He had stayed up to rescue Kirishima and get them out of the castle but now the only thing he wanted was sleep. He debated if they were far enough, but he decided that they would never in a million miles be far enough for comfort. So the prince turned the horses to cross the river thinking it would be safe on the other side.

The water wasn't deep so the steeds were able to cross just fine. The water only came up to their legs so the prince was relieved when they got to the other side. Eijirou was still fast asleep, the poor Alpha was exhausted from the rescue and hadn't woke up since they left the village. They made it a fee miles south for the night but they still had a long journey ahead of them.

Izuku climbed down from his horse's back before tying the two of the reins to a nearby tree. Hauling the burlap sack off the steeds back he ripped it open and grabbed the few blankets he was able to bring before laying them on the ground. Softly he shook the redhead so when his eyes fluttered open tiredly the prince gave him a small smile.

"We should camp for the night, come on I'll help you down," the Omega stated offering his hand out to the Alpha. Eijirou groaned but didn't complain as he nearly fell off his own horse. Izuku held in a giggle as he offered support around the large male's waist. They made their way to the blankets and the Omega helped the redhead rest on the ground. Once he had settled Izuku curled next to him to conserve body heat. Though the night air was cool to the touch its wasn't cold. It was relaxing to finally breath real air instead of the horrid scent that resided in the palace.

Eijirou wrapped his arms around Izuku, pulling him closer while he nestled into his neck. The Omega purred as his own eyelids became heavy. The two stayed that way until morning, but even then they didn't move. The pair were far too comfortable to get up so they waited till the sun had climbed over the peak and was settling in the sky before Izuku looked up at the Alpha with a smile.

"Get up ya big log, we still have a long way to go," Izuku pushed the Alpha gently on the shoulder which only made him moan. Kirishima shook his head like a toddler before pulling him closer into his bare chest.

"No, I'm too comfortable," he grumbled and Izuku rolled his eyes playfully before wiggling out of his grip. It was only then when he got up that he saw in broad daylight how bad the cuts on his back were. The blood had thankfully dried up and were no longer gushing but the wounds were deep. Parts of his flesh were looking green and sickly and the prince cursed under his breath.

"Eijirou we need to go, please," Izuku attempted to stay calm but the stress in his voice made Kirishima snap his head up. He narrowed his eyes and inhaled the slightly distressed pheromones with a worried look crossing his features.

"What's wrong?" The Alpha asked and the Omega shook his head.

"We need to find a village and fast," he vaguely answered before offering out his hand once more. Kirishima grabbed it and the two hauled him to his feet. Izuku gave him a weak smile before pulling open the sack and grabbed the map. The next town was a few miles down and if they hurried they could make it there before lunch. Locking its place into his memory Izuku stuffed it back inside the bag and started picking up blankets while Kirishima helped as best he could. With his wounds he could barely bend down let alone lift anything so Izuku shooed him away.

"I don't want you to reopen your wounds, just get back on your horse. This won't take long," Izuku reassured him and the Alpha grumbled before following his directions. The prince quickly packed everything into the sack before tying it back onto his steed.

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