The Puppeteer's Strings

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⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️
[Controlling behaviour, manipulation]

Curtains fall, the show's on
Puppets lined up nearly walk
(The strings jutt into my skin as I, crawl, they don't see it I do.)

The sole inhabitant, the only audience,
the master of this mortal world.
Pulls on the leash, tightens the lasso
bends and breaks frangible dolls

(I scurry away from stage,
only to be hauled back on
The strands of strings cut into my flesh)

Stand up tall, matter not the numerous fall
(Strangled breath)
The show must go on.

[If you are done reading the poem, feel free to skip the poem explication given below]

Poem explication

The above poem is a narrative, where the narrator basically describes their miserable life.

The narrator is living a puppet-like life, where their actions are directed by a third person.
(The dialogues written in brackets are the narrator's words which aren't influenced by anyone.)

The narrator isn't the only one who is being controlled, everyone they know and see around them are controlled by the puppeteer. The puppeteer plays around with the "dolls" to amuse themself.

The puppeteer has all the controls from the very beginning of the "doll's" life to the very end of it.
The narrator tries to run away only to be pulled back in the game. No matter how much they try to get away, they just can't.

This poem is a metaphorical representation of an abusive/ controlling relationship. Where everyone around the narrator is oblivious to the actions of the "puppeteer", everyone else is manipulated into thinking that the "puppeteer" is a good person. Only the narrator knows the truth.

The strings that cut the narrator are a metaphor for the feelings of the narrator, which are hurt and toyed with.

But no matter how much they try, they can't manage to escape. Their trials go in vain as they are manipulated back into the relationship.

At the end of the poem, the strangled breath suggests the "death" or quiting of the narrator, and the line "the show must go on" suggests that the abuser never changes. They continue the same cycle with someone else.

If y'all liked the poem free feel to let me know in the comments, each interaction means a lot to me honestly. Thank you stay safe and loads of luv ❤
~ Rhaey

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