Nothing that lasts

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⚠️Trigger warnings⚠️
[Prolonged feeling of sadness]

They said nothing lasts forever
but forever is a fortnight long.
They said nothing remains forever
but alas they were wrong.
The pain lasts me a millennium,
till my demise it follows.
No matter how much I soothe it,
it only and only grows.
They said having nothing, nothing is lost
Had I had too much too soon?
Throughout the countless springs and autumns
Why my mortal buries itself in gloom?

[If you are done reading the poem, feel free to skip the poem explication given below]

Poem explication

Very honestly I have no explication for this poem as well.... I hope you liked it nathless.

If y'all liked the poem free feel to let me know in the comments, each interaction means a lot to me honestly. Thank you stay safe and loads of luv ❤
~ Rhaey

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