Part 2

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Oscorp Labs (Brooklyn), 12:00pm

"Dr. Octavius! I've made it!" Peter said as he entered the large lab, machines littered the massive room.

"Hello Peter. I'm quite glad you've made it." Dr. Octavius said "Now what do you want to do first?"

Peter looked at some blueprints for a group of robotic tentacle like arms. The blueprint had a signature, and a word that was likely a name, it read Octopus.

"I just want to help you out" Peter said as he walked up to the scientist.

"What, You don't have an outside life? No girlfriend, no friends, no family?" Dr. Octavius asked "You can't take time off to just relax with them after school?"

"Well I do, but I want to make breakthroughs." Peter said as Octavius smiled at him.

"Well ... I do have to test my assistants." Dr. Octavius said with a smile as he began rummaging through some equipment.

"Assistants?" Peter asked in confusion as Dr. Octavius began pulling something out of the equipment.

"My assistants: four robotic tentacle like limbs that will be linked directly to my brain. I call them the Octopus Machine" Dr. Octavius said with a smile as he pulled out a backpack, he put the backpack on and spoke again "I just think about what I want them to do and ..."

Octavius thought hard for a short while when suddenly four pools of small things hard to see with the naked eye, and the pools of technology swirled into whirlpools of technology, and then formed four long tentacle like appendages, each then grew two claws at the end.

"Once again, these are o my prototypes for the final version. The final will be a small nanochip, which will go into my neck ... Right here" Dr. Octavius said as he pointed to where his spinal cord began, the Foramen Magnum "The chip will hold up to fifty thousand nano-bots, and each is connected to an AI, connected to my brain, The chip also serves to protect my brain from becoming corrupt. The nano-bots are all capable of shrinking to the size of an atom, and growing to the size of a moderate tree stump."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Peter asked Dr. Octavius who just stared at him in confusion.

"Yes I'm quite sure it's safe, I've spent years working on the calculations" Dr. Octavius said confidently.

"What if the AI backfires, and corrupts your mind?" Peter asked.

"The Nano-Chip contains a failsafe which will activate and protect my mind." Dr. Octavius said "It's virtually impossible for that to happen."

"I suppose, but what if one of the nano-bots fry?" Peter asked Dr. Octavius who frowned and sighed.

"Impossible, they're water resistant, watch" Dr. Octavius then jumped into a tank of water, with the tentacles out, and the tentacles proceeded to carry him out.

"See Peter, Impossible" Dr. Octavius said with a smile as the tentacles warmed up and began to evaporate the water on Octavius "Come to my presentation, ill even show you how I made them."

Octavius then to work on a computer chip.

"Will do, It's in two days right" Peter asked.

"Right, see you then." Dr. Octavius said as he used the tentacles to help him work on the chip.

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