Part 13

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Parker residence 5/20/2008 12:00 pm

"I'm done!" Peter shouted as he rushed upstairs.

"Done what!?" Aunt May asked as she tried to catch up to Peter.

"I'm done being Spider-Man!" Peter shouted as he went right up to his Spider-Man suit, and grabbed it "If I'm Spider-Man, then Peter Parker doesn't get to thrive, only one is able to."

" I choose Peter Parker to survive! " Peter shouted as he tossed the costume out the window, it then flew with the wind to the west of Peter's house.

"Peter, I know it's your choice, but -" May said before Peter cut her off.

"This is what you wanted, I thought you'd be happy" Peter said as a tear fell from his eye "I'm just ... Tired of this Spider-Man may win, but Peter doesn't I just got ... Parker luck or something."

"Peter, that doesn't make sense, you just need more time to find the right balance, whenever you do it'll be obvious how it'll all fit perfectly, and it just will" May said as she tried to comfort Peter "I've come to realize, this world needs heroes. It needs Spider-Man, so while some might look down on Spider-Man, he must exist because he causes good, you cause goodness Peter."

"But you don't understand May, good is the root of all evil. Wherever there's good, evil will always find it's way there" Peter said as tears began streaming from his cheeks "if I can't be myself, then what's the point of being anything? O just want to be normal Peter Parker, not Spider-Man"

"If that's what you believe" Aunt May said as a tear fell from her cheek "Then I respect your decision"

6/2/2008 Christos Steakhouse

Peter ate across the table from Mary Jane, the two were happy, suddenly Electro came out of nowhere, and released electricity all over the place. Electro put his hand on the building, and suddenly the electricity rapidly began surging into the criminal who smiled as he became charged.

Peter grabbed MJ and ducked under the table as MJ looked at him qustioningly. Peter just shook his head as Electro reached a high amount of energy. Electro then laughed as he bolted away leaving static electricity in his wake.

7/10/2008 King Park

Peter was jogging when he saw Dr. Octopus breaking into a hardware store and stealing tools. Dr. Octopus laughed as his tentacles grabbed a bucket which he stuffed more tools inside, and grabbed plenty of batteries. Dr. Octopus then grabbed a Lithium Ion Battery.

Peter then turned and ran the opposite way as Dr. Octopus laughed at how easy the heist was.Dr. Octopus then left as Police sirens became audible.

9/20/2008 Horizon College

Peter walked through the halls of Horizon College, he hadn't been there long, but he was having trouble with something. Soon Harry rushed up to Peter.

"Hey, Pete! Spider-Man has officially been gone for four months now! Isn't that great!?" Harry said and Peter just shrugged as Harry left and continued to celebrate.

"Yeah, I know how long he's been gone" Peter said as he zoned out "Anyway, I need ideas, I'm unable to come up with anything."

Peter walked into his lab, where he saw a note, it was from Flash Thompson. Peter opened it to see it read: Dear Peter, I think Spider-Man has been gone for long enough, if you agree come petition with me at the city's statue of the great hero - Eugene "Flash" Thompson. Peter crumbled the paper and tossed it to the trash as he sat down and continued to think of ideas, but nothing would come to him. Suddenly his door opened, Max Modell stood there.

"Peter, are you okay?" Max asked as Peter frowned and tried his hardest to think.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking of a project" Peter said as he wiped sweat from his head and turned the thermostat to 75 degrees.

"Don't worry, many students stay overnight working on their project, I shouldn't expect you to be any different" Max said as he looked to Peter "But, I can tell you, you've got to stop forcing the idea, it has to come from the heart, You have to want it as bad as you need it."

Peter thought about that as Max got up.

"Only then can your project truly be good and done" Max said as Peter thought about what he wanted, suddenly Peter began looking through some papers he had, and one fell to the ground, Peter picked it up, and turned it revealing his Uncle Ben's writing. gP=gR, or With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. Peter smiled as he held the paper close to his chest and looked around the lab, and realized what he'd become ... Selfish. Suddenly a tear fell from Peter's cheek as he looked around the lab. Peter then moved to the computer, and brought up the files for his Spider-Man suit. Peter then modified the file by adding a small hollow Spider to the back, it was mad of a strong rubber so as to absorb electric shock. Peter printed the items and went to a file that Octavius sent him before the presentation went wrong, it was documents for the Tentacles.

Peter rushed to the technology room and grabbed buckets of Nano-bots, he then brought them back to his lab, and began to implement the code into them, plus a spread virus, the "virus" would cause the code to spread to the rest of the nano-bots. Peter then clicked a button on the computer, causing the bots to turn so small they were practically invisible. Finally Peter poured the nano-bots into the spider shell, and attached it to the back of the suit carefully. Finally Peter began work on his project, a robotic limb made of nano-bots, so that they could function just like a real leg. The design was simple, and he programmed it while wearing his new suit, which was better than the original.

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