Part 7

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Oscorp Tower, 5/15/2008 7:00pm

Max finished fixing a pipe before getting up and heading to the elevator alongside his co-workers. He seemed exceptionally happy, but all of a sudden, Someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away from the flow of workers.

"Woah, Max" The man said with a laugh "Where you going?"

"Home. I'm going Home Spencer" Max said as he tried to go around Spencer Smythe, but Smith's just got back in the way.

"You're shift isn't over Max, I suggest you go continue the job you're being played for or risk being fired" Spencer Smythe said in an intimidating tone.

"But it's my birthday, I'm gonna celebrate with my mom, she's probably waiting for me" Max said as he once again attempted to sidestep Spencer.

"Max, Please don't make up lies, I'm just the enforcer I don't make the rules" Spencer said "Now go fix the pipes for Octavius' presentation"

"Why can't somebody else do it?" Max asked as he watched the others leave.

"Because you were chosen" Spencer said with a smile "Now do it or you're fired!"

"but -" Max said before being cut off by Spencer Smythe.

"No buts" Spencer said with a smile "Happy birthday Max"

Jake then went up as Max sighed and went through a door. There were rows of pipes, and a dim light. It was also quite damp. Max then carefully stepped forward, careful not to trip on the thick wires that littered the ground. Max then got over to a tank of water, and looked inside to see a swarm of eels. Max then looked around the tank for any broken pipes.

Max then noticed a pipe over the tank, and he sighed and climbed up a staircase. Max then grabbed his Two-way radio and spoke.

"Hey can we shut off the power down here?" Max said into the radio "Yes, um ... I'm in sector..."

Max then looked around for a sector number, and he saw Sector B15.

"I'm in sector B15" Max said, "Jack! What do you mean you can't shut it off, I'm working here. A pipe is leaking"

"Just do what you can" Max said as he put the handheld radio back onto it's place on his uniform. Max then went up a small staircase, past a warning sign showing an eel and electricity. Max then got right up to the pipe, and began to pull it back together. Suddenly he managed to put the pipe together with a small pop sound.

"One more" Max said as he went up to a pipe leaking a gas. The gas came out in small clouds, as max hummed the tune of the Happy Birthday song, and pulled the pipe pieces together. Finally it snapped back together, and Max was happy, he fist pumped and spoke into the radio again as he leaned on the railing.

"You can turn it on again Jack, I've finished" Max said before putting the radio back and speaking to himself "Happy Birthday Max!"

Max then jumped happily, and when he landed there was a loud thud from the impact, followed by a creak, and then snap! Max and the small part of walkway Max was on fell into the massive 20 gallon tank. Max then swam up as fast as he could and got on the piece of walkway. He then sighed in relief. Suddenly the Piece of Walkway began to sink, and he saw that he was too heavy for it, and he got off.

Max then screamed as something dragged him below the water, and he kicked at it furiously, before swimming up as fast as he could, but before he surfaced, something else dragged him further down, and he tried to get free, but he couldn't escape. Then he saw a bright flash, and along with the flash, he saw his attackers, the Swarm of Electric Eels.

The eels circled Max, and took turns swimming and biting him, before swimming away, each time an eel swam away, max was shocked. Suddenly the Swarm of eels all went at Max and began to shock him, and he screamed in against as he pain surged through him, and the water attempted to choke him.

Then one of the electrical pipes from above burst and fell towards the water, and gently touched, but the small spark that touched, gave way for the rest of the electricity in the pipe to follow, and soon hundreds of terra volts of electricity surged into Max every second.

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