Part 18

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6:00 am, inside the George Washington Bridge

Doctor Octopus used his tentacles to tinker on his machine. He was underneath the most traffic filled filled bridge in New York: George Washington Bridge.

Doctor Octopus finished the final touches on his machine, and he began to turn it on as the sun began to rise over the city.Doctor Octopus then lifted his machine up, and as it got closer to the beam, it began to use magnetic energy to stay up, and finally Doctor Octopus let go, and it stayed in the air. The Battery cell then began to glow brighter and brighter as a beam of light touched it from holes in the ceiling. Electricity then began to bolt off the device as it came to a charge. Doctor Octopus then watched as the electricity from the machine began to send purified energy through the city.

"My plan has finally come to fruition, I shall power the my machines, and no E.M.P will ever take them down!" Doctor Octopus shouted as he began to turn his machine up, and the energy began to spread faster.

"Woah, chill out there doc! I'm confused how this'll help you take over the world" Spider-Man in a confused tone as he dropped down from the ceiling.

"Spider-Man, I'd say it's a pleasure but... Yeah you get it, but didn't you forget?" Doctor Octopus asked as his tentacles came forward and bent down over Spider-Man menacingly "An Octopus has more limbs than a spider."

Suddenly the spider symbol on Spidey's back popped, and nanotech surged out of it, and formed four robotic spider legs.

"Actually doc, they have the same amount" Spider-Man said as the robo-legs became red and blue, they then shined a bright gold, and went to Doctor Octopus menacingly.

Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus then met in the center of the room with a metallic bang as their robotic limbs clashed in the center. The robotic limbs then kept on crashing into the others.

"Get out of my way!" Doctor Octopus shouted as his tentacles continued to clash with Spider-Man's robotic limbs "I've got important plans to enact, places to be, People to destroy, all that junk!"

Doctor Octopus then attempted to punch Spider-Man, but Spidey grabbed Doctor Octopus' fist, and punched him in the face before jumping back.

"Sorry Doc!" Spider-Man shouted as he prepared to fight once again "But I'll have to stop you here and now!"

Spider-Man then pounced at Doctor Octopus and dealt a powerful blow, sending both of them back a few feet. Spider-Man then pounced again and used the robo-legs to distract the Octopus device as he punched Doctor Octopus across the jaw.

"Stop harming us!" The Tentacles shouted as Spider-Man shot a shield-web, which blocked the blows of the tentacles, Spider-Man then fired a multi-web shot at one of Doctor Octopus's tentacles, causing it to get stuck to the wall.

Spider-Man then kicked Doctor Octopus in the stomach, sending him against the wall. Spider-Man then fired a web at the water, but the web didn't dissolve or sink. Spider-Man then jumped at the web, and fired a frost-web at the bottom left Doctor Octopus tentacle, causing it to become frozen solid, it then shrinks back into the chip in Doc Ock's back.

"Stop now!" Doctor Octopus shouted as he pounced at Spider-Man with only the remaining two tentacles out, Doctor Octopus then landed on the water-web. Spider-Man then webbed up a water-web in the shape of a surfboard, and hopped on as he fired a web at a button, causing the drawbridge to rise, cars on the bridge honked as they rushed to get away.

The room the two were then opened up, and Doctor Octopus and Spider-Man both got swept out into the river. The two then began to head towards Upper New York Bay. Suddenly a small wave came and pushed the pair further up the river way from the bay, but as that wave passed, a bigger one came, and Spider-Man used the web surfboard to surf the wave.

"This is what I call, Surfing the Web!" Spider-Man shouted as he frost-webs at Doc Ock's remaining tentacles, which withered into his back as they froze. Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus then washed ashore, and Spider-Man webbed Doctor Octopus in place, and sent a Web-onfire straight up in the air, it then set aflame signaling their location like a flare, Spider-Man then webbed away back towards the bridge.

"You'll pay for this Spider-Man!" Doctor Octopus shouted as some police showed up to take him away.

Spider-Man just continued swinging and soon made it back to the bridge, where he went inside and closed the bridge once again so people could continue to go over it. The Battery cell, was now overheating as it drew too much energy from the sun and continued to send extreme amounts of energy in all directions.

Spider-Man rushed up to the battery and frantically tried to turn it off, but it just wouldn't stop.Soon Electricity coated the entire room as it spread through the metal beams of the room.Spider-Man then took a deep breath and webbed the battery as best he could as it began to smoke, soon he put it in the water, and began to make more barriers between it and everything else.Spider-Man then fired multiple other types of webs such as frost-web, and multi-web so he could rapidly coat the battery, but then he opened a vent and ...

KaBoom, the battery exploded, and the smoke filled the small room as Spider-Man tried to get out, barely scrambling onto the surface, and he took a deep breath before getting up, and webbing away as Ambulance, firefighters, and police began to rapidly get to the scene.

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