Part 12

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Midtown High, 5/19/2008 12:00pm

Peter went to the amphitheater, a special presentation was being held by The Horizon College.

"hello Midtown High, as one of the teachers at Horizon College for the gifted, I can personally tell you that this is a school for the gifted!" A man said, and a label on his chest was a nameplate that read: Max Modell, "Horizon College has always been best known for it's science course, but this year we have upgraded our other courses. Coding, Math, History, Engineering, and much more have been given massive funding, but this mean the tuition has risen quite a hit, but we have one open spot for the upcoming year, and we have a small competition to see who gets to go. My job here today is to see if anyone here has the potential to join Horizon College's best and join student like Harry Osborne as a new year student."

Suddenly Max brought up a projection of a formula.

"Whoever can find the value of X gets the spot!" Max shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, Peter then frantically began trying to get the formula finished as Max said the Horizon College motto "You know you're reaching for greatness when you reach for the Horizon"

Everyone who wanted that spot worked as hard and fast as they could.

"Anyone have the answer?!" Max asked as he looked over the crowd "You have five ... Four ... Three ... Two ... One ...and Times -"

"I finished!" Peter shouted as he waved the paper over his head, and Max nodded and waved him up to the platform. Max then inspected the paper and smiled.

"Impressive, no one's ever done the formula so fast, That was the limit for me to check it immediately, and only one person has managed to do the same I think" Max said with a smile "I'll see you later to discuss enrollment"

Peter then left and headed to the bathroom, but when he entered the bathroom, there was a shout, followed by a boom. Suddenly a massive explosion came from the Amphitheater, and Peter then rushed to put on his suit. When Peter had the full suit on he rushed out to see Electro floating, suspended by the large amount of electricity coming off him.

"Electro! What are you doing ?!" Spider-Man shouted as Electro looked to Spidey "What have these kids done to you?!"

"Spider-Man, if you were part of my life you'd know. Humanity is the problem, I have been abused and alone my whole life! My mother and father were the only ones to look out for me, that all changed when the Lizard attacked, My father died, and my mother was devastated" Electro said angrily as the electricity coming off him got more erratic "My mother became distant, and began treating me bad, blaming me for my father's death, then one day as I get close to suicide, Spider-Man speaks to me, he tells me to be the hero I was meant to be, and I realized, I was always meant to be evil, you are the only person to have ever helped me other than my parents!"

Electro then toggled the buttons on the device on his chest, and suddenly he turned blue as he accessed 100% power, Electro then pointed a finger at Spider-Man.

"But then you attacked me" Electro said angrily as Electricity began to cone off his fingertip "and now it's my turn to attack you!"

Suddenly electricity flashed and Electro released a powerful stream of energy pointed directly at Spider-Man, who jumped out of the way, barely dodging the attack. The last people evacuated as Electro's attack became erratic, and going to the side.

"Electro calm down, we can talk about this, cure you, something" Spider-Man shouted as Electro continued to attack, suddenly a bolt hit Spider-Man, who was sent back, and Electro surged through the bolt to grab Spider-Man by the neck. Electro then began bolting off, holding Spider-Man by the neck. As Electro bolted away, electricity was left in his wake. Electro then nearly crashed into Mary Jane, and she jumped as some electricity touched her.

Spider-Man then punched Electro in the face and rushed to help Mary Jane who was in shock. Electro then turned and rushed after Spider-Man who was then punched in the face by the dastardly villain. Electro then continued on the offensive, punching and shocking Spider-Man, who was sent every which way. Electro then flashed right up to Mary Jane who took a step back.

"So this is a love interest... Pathetic!" Electro shouted with disgust as he charged up with energy , but Spider-Man fired a Web-onfire at him, but it never set aflame, Spidey looked at the shooter to realize it shorted out from the jolt of energy from Electro, but the web managed to distract Electro long enough for Spider-Man to rejoin the fight.

Spider-Man then grabbed Mary Jane, and webbed away as Electro shouted angrily. Spider-Man then continued to swing on his web trying to get far from the villain. Soon Spidey made it to the Empire State Building, and set Mary Jane down with a sigh before sitting down and struggling to breathe. Spider-Man then noticed Mary Jane sitting there looking at him with a blush on her cheeks.

"Don't think about it, it's wrong" Spidey said as he caught his breathe.

"Actually, I'm single so unless Spider-Man has a lover, it's fine" Mary Jane said as she went closer "plus you could just think of it, like me thanking my savior, Peter"

Peter then took the mask off and looked at Mary Jane incredulously.

"How'd you know?" Peter asked as he then looked down on the city he vowed to protect with all his life.

"Simple, only Peter cares about me enough to risk his life" Mary Jane said with a smile "By the way, me and Harry aren't a thing, he asked me a simple question, and I answered yes. He's actually in love with someone from Horizon College, I think her name was Liz Allan"

"So what do we do now?" Peter asked as the two seemed to get incredibly close.

"We could ... You know" Mary Jane answered as the two prepared to kiss.

Suddenly Peter stumbled back, and fell, but before he fell of the building Mary Jane caught him.

"Peter! Peter wake up!" Mary Jane shouted as she struggled to hold onto Peter, but then she could see electricity come from the direction of the school, and she heard a voice.

"Come out little spider" Electro said as he flashed around the building, but he didn't see Peter who was right above his head, and then Mary Jane managed to bring Peter up, and she pulled him into the building before taking off his suit and stuffing it in a floorboard, before pretending to be asleep as Electro flashed into the building and look around to see the two laying on each other, and Electro sighed in an irritated tone before flashing off once again, and Mary Jane sighed as she looked at Peter who was motionless, save fore his breathing.

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