Chapter I

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A Way To Cross 

At the camp right besides the Fold, cheering could be heard from one of the tents

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At the camp right besides the Fold, cheering could be heard from one of the tents. A tent where soldiers from the First Army had gathered to entertain themselves. I had just watched Mal, a friend of mine, win a fight and then he walked off after a Grisha had challenged him. He had walked away because he didn't want to end up in the brig. I had my arms crossed as I was standing a little in the back, watching as the Grisha tried to get people to fight him. But nobody here was brave enough to take on the challenge. They didn't want to end up in the brig either. "Oh, come on! Nobody? Is nobody brave enough to take on Grisha?" He yelled out with a cocky smirk. That's when I decided to step forward. I dropped my arms to the side and walked past the people, making them look at me like I was crazy. Maybe I am? "Most people are too afraid of Grisha." I said as I stepped forward and into the fighting circle. The Grisha turned around and smirked when he saw me. "And you, little girl?" I smirked and licked my lips. "I'm not most people. I accept your challenge." I said back to him, making him look at me shocked. 

"But, I have two conditions, Grisha. No powers. That way, it'll be fair and square, you know? Seeing as I'm just a "little girl"." He scoffed at my words as I recalled to what he called me earlier. "And two; if I win, I will not end up in the brig." He smirked, nodded and put his hands up, as he was agreeing. "All right, no powers. No brigs." I smiled and cracked my neck. I took a deep breath and ran at him. I rammed my knee into his stomach, making him step back with a grunt. I saw him try and take a swing at me so I ducked and punched him in the knee. He grunted again as I stood up and he fell down. I looked around and saw Mal looking at me. I winked at him and sensed the Grisha sending a punch to my face. I turned back around quickly while grabbing his hand. I twisted it and turned myself upside down as I wrapped my legs around his neck, turning around him and using my strength to make him fall down to the ground. 

He landed on his back with a loud thud and a groan. I held his head in a lock with my legs and his arm in a lock with my hands. "Okay! You win!" He yelled as he tapped out. I released him and we both stood up. I smiled proudly and he was panting heavily. "I didn't even get a hit on you." He said breathlessly. I just shrugged with a grin. "I'm just that good." I said back and he laughed. He held his hand out for me to shake and I did. "Good job. You're the first person to take down a Grisha, even without powers." I chuckled and nodded a thanks to him. Then I walked off. I saw Mal with Alina and two other men. I was about to go up to them when a horn was blown.

The horn meant we had to gather. So I went to the gathering, and found out that some people were going to cross the Fold. Mal included. I want to cross it, so I have to find a way to get on the transport. There is no particular reason to why I want to cross it, I just want to. 


It was the next day when I woke up from an amazing beauty sleep. But in the army, you usually don't get a lot of hours to sleep. So every time I do, I take it all in as best as I can. I had just finished getting ready for the day when a chilling chill went up from my spine. Only thing is that, it's not windy inside the tent. I walked outside and looked around, somehow knowing to search for something, but not knowing what I was searching for. Suddenly my eyes came in contact with a black carriage that was entering the camp. Goosebumps formed on my arms and I knew that whoever was in there, they were the cause of it. You see, my powers lets me do a lot of things, feeling things that aren't there yet is one of them. But they usually don't give me that much clue about it, so I may just have to figure it out myself. I tore my gaze away from the carriage and sought out to find Alina. If I know her correctly, she isn't going to let Mal go without her, so I know she'll find some stupid idea to get herself on the new ship.

After a few minutes I got tired of looking and used my powers to telepathically search for her. She wouldn't feel anything, but I would get her location, and I did. I found her in the tent where we keep all the maps. "Finally, I found you." She jumped and turned around when she heard my voice. "Luci, you scared me." I chuckled and walked up to her. "Is this part of your plan to go with Mal into the Fold?" She looked at me in shock. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Oh, come on, Alina. I know you well enough to know that you are not letting Mal get on that ship by himself." She chuckled at my words then nodded. "Yes, all right. It is. I'm burning maps in hope that they have to send a cartographer to redraw them." She answered back with a shy smile. "Great! Because I also want to go, but not for the same reason as you." She laughed and threw one more map into the bin before lighting it on fire. 

We left and decided to come back a few minutes later when they have discovered the small fire. "Now someone will have to cross the Fold to redraw these maps." The lieutenant said to the lead cartographer as Alina and I entered the tent. "We'll go. Put us on the skiff, we'll go." He nodded at Alina's words. "Yes. You will." He started to say as he started walking out. "Your whole unit will." He finished and left the tent. I smirked in victory and walked off to pack my things. This was going to be fun. 

A/N: First chapter, everyone!!! I'm so excited to write this!! I absolutely LOVE Shadow and Bone and I'm so happy season 2 is finally here ahhhhhhh!! And I am so in love with Aleksander you have no idea... So I decided to write a story and here it is... First chapter is kinda lame and boring, but it'll get better, I promise. Love you all and I hope you will enjoy the story!! Bye for now <3<3<3<3 

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