Chapter VII

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I woke up the next day by my door slamming open

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I woke up the next day by my door slamming open. I sat up and looked towards it to see Sabrina alone come into the room and closing the door after herself. "You are to be presented to the King today, so let's get you ready." She said, making me smile in excitement. I was ready to show the world who I am. 


After a short while, Sabrina finished up my look for the presentation and suddenly there was a knock on my door. "Come on in." Sabrina said and closed her box. The door opened and in walked Aleksander. "I'll leave you two alone to talk." She said and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door closed, Aleksander walked closer to me and looked me up and down. "You look wonderful, my little witch." I smiled with a small blush. "You don't look too bad yourself, Aleksander." He took a deep breath and licked his lips. "I have just a few things to go over with you." I nodded, making him continue. "Now, the main focus today will be on Miss Starkov and her being the Sun Summoner. I wish the focus was you, but you are more special to me than you are to the rest of the world. But, you are the most powerful witch out there, so you will still be presented to the King and everyone else there. But I need you to wait to enter until Alina's bit is finished and I want you to make a dramatic entrance." I smirked and shrugged. "I've always had a flare for dramatics, so that, I can do." I said to him, making him chuckle. 

"You look so beautiful, Lucille. I'm grateful that you decided to stay here. With me." I smiled at him and looked at him in admiration. "Me too." I said, agreeing with that I'm happy that I stayed. Then he straightened his back and clasped his hands together. "Now, I will have Sabrina escort you to the Grand Palace, seeing as I'm expected to be seen with the Sun Summoner. But when I give you the green light, you enter with dramatics." He finished with a small smile. "Of course." I responded. He grabbed my right hand in his and kissed the top of my hand. I blushed at his action as he dropped my hand and walked out of my room, leaving me breathless once more. 


After Alina's little light show, which was quite impressive, Aleksander spoke up. "Now, moi tsar, I have one more special treat for you today." "And what is that?" The King responded as he sat back down in his chair after standing to clap for Alina. "I present to you, Lucille Crowe, the Scarlet Witch." Aleksander said, making everyone in the room start whispering about me. I smirked and used my powers to lift myself off the ground and fly. Yes, I can fly. Found that out when I was running from guards at a bar once. As I was in the air everyone looked up and gasped in awe. I landed on the ground in a crouched position and looked up at the King and Queen. I bowed to them and politely smiled. "Moi tsar. Moya tsaritsa. It's an honor to meet you in person." "You seem to have more control over your gifts than our Sun Summoner." The Queen spoke, making me nod. "I do, Your Highness. Unlike my friend, Alina, I've known of my abilities since I was 18. She only found out a week ago." I explained to her, but also the King. 

I wasn't trying to best Alina in anyway at all. I was just telling them the truth. "It's good to know that we have a powerful witch on our side in the fight against the Fold. You are a witch, correct? Not Grisha?" I nodded again at the King's words. "Correct. I am a witch. Which I learned yesterday. Although I was aware of my abilities, I didn't know what I was. Not until General Kirigan told me more about it." The King nodded and looked towards Aleksander, who was standing next to me, which I noticed just now. "Keep teaching her about her abilities, General. We might just stand a chance." Aleksander bowed, making me bow as well. "Of course, moi tsar." He said and turned to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the King. I grabbed Alina's hand and gave her a smile of victory, telling her that she did well. Alina was then snatched away by her friends, I guess, making Aleksander look at me. "You were absolutely perfect. I didn't know you could fly." I chuckled and smiled up at him. "I can do a lot more than just fly too, Aleksander. There's still a lot you have yet to discover about me and my powers." Now it was his turn to chuckle. "I'll look forward to getting to know every piece and side of you." He said before he walked away, leaving me with Alina and the Grisha. 

I wasn't going to lie, I felt out of place surrounded by Grisha. But, I wasn't going to dwell on it. I was going to make the best out of it, and maybe make some new friends along the way. Sabrina suddenly came up to me and hugged me tightly. When she pulled away, she wore a big smile. "You were amazing." Then Alina hugged me and pulled away with a smile. "I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't mad at first when I found out that you have been hiding who you are. But now, I'm not anything but happy to call you my friend. Together, we will bring down the Fold, once and for all." I nodded, agreeing with her plan. 


It was the next day, and I've finally gotten my outfit. But instead of a Grisha kefta, I've gotten my wish on what I wanted to wear. It's a red leather outfit with black leather pants and knee-high boots that are slightly heeled. (Top picture.) I was currently walking the halls of the Little Palace when a red-headed female Grisha came up to me. "Lucille. My name is Jenna Petrovna, it's a pleasure to officially meet you. Now, please, follow me to the training grounds." I nodded and followed her. I decided to make small conversation while we were on our way. "So, what type of Grisha are you?" I asked, not knowing how the color coordination on keftas work yet. "I'm an Inferni. I like your clothing, by the way." I smiled and thanked her for the compliment. The rest of the way was filled with talking and laughter from the both of us. I feel like me and her will be great friends. 

A/N: Hi. So, I forgot to post yesterday,,, again... Sorry... I had this school event that I had to go to, so got home a bit late, and then I was just really tired and decided to just relax and sleep. But here it is!! Chapter 7, hope you enjoyed it and a new chapter will be out tomorrow! Love you all!! <3<3 

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