Chapter IX

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Plans of the Future 

My eyes went so wide that I thought that they were going to pop out for a second

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My eyes went so wide that I thought that they were going to pop out for a second. I pulled my hands away from his and my lips parted from the shock. "I-" I tried to speak, but the shock was too much. I ran a hand through my hair and placed my hands onto the table next to me, leaning onto it as I tried to process it. I looked at Aleksander and saw that he was trying to figure out what was going on right now. "You're the Darkling? You created the Fold?" I asked, as I finally had managed to gather myself and speak. He simply nodded, making me release a deep breath as I had to process it once more. "You don't want to destroy it, do you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked with caution in his voice. I looked down onto the ground and considered if I was afraid. Strangely, I wasn't. Him telling me the truth only made me feel more for him. He's trusting me enough to tell me who he really is. "You are, aren't you? You fear what I can do and if I might lash out or just anything. You-" I couldn't listen to him talk anymore. So I did the only thing I could think of. 

I cut him off by placing my lips onto his and kissing him. He stood completely still for a second, until he melted into it and placed his hands on my hips, pulling me closer and kissing me back. After a few seconds, I pulled away from the kiss, but I didn't move out of his arms. I looked up at him with a small smile. "I'm not afraid of you, Aleksander. I should be, and maybe the only reason I'm not is because our destinies are intertwined. But I think there's more to it. I don't know what, but I'd like to find out. And you telling me who you really are and what your true intentions are, it made me fall for you even more than I already have. And I'd like to think that it's not just because we are soulmates." He smiled down at me and nodded. "I'd like to think so too." He pecked my lips before taking a deep breath. "Now, this is the important part." He said and I could see his eyes turn darker than they already was. He could show his true self around me, and I was already enjoying it. 

"As you figured out, I do not plan on destroying the Fold. I want to expand." He said with all seriousness. "Are you willing to go against everything you've been fighting for and your friends to stay by my side? To fight them by my side? Are you willing to kill?" I chuckled at his words and smirked. "Just tell me the plan and what to do." "You are amazing, my love." I shrugged and smiled up at him. "Just don't ever hide anything from me and always tell me the truth. If I have to find out by reading you mind, I will not be very happy." He chuckled and nodded. "I swear to you that I will always tell you everything. Starting with what I have planned for our little Sun Summoner." I chuckled and he started explaining everything to me. We spent the entire day in his room, planning and plotting. Although, I hid in his bathroom when he had company from Fedyor, a Heartrender. I was too far away to listen to their conversation, but I knew what it was about. Nina Zenik. Another Heartrender that hasn't reported in after being on a priority mission for Aleksander. But as night came, I returned to my own room. 

Although, as I was laying in my bed, trying to relax and fall asleep, I found it impossible. I couldn't fall asleep because Aleksander was on my mind constantly. And the kiss we shared earlier was everything and more I could've wished for. I could feel myself wanting more of him. More of his love. I took a deep breath and stood up from my bed. My night gown fell down to it's length after being pulled up by my turning around in the bed. I pulled a silk cardigan over myself and walked out of my room. I found myself moving towards Aleksander's room once more. I swear, I am addicted to this man. I knocked on the door of his room and a few seconds later, it opened, revealing Aleksander dressed in a silk robe that was black. He looked incredibly good and attractive like this. "May I come in?" I asked him and he nodded, stepping to the side so that I could enter the room. He closed the door after I was inside and I looked around the room and I felt that Alina was here earlier. "Alina was here?" I asked and walked to the big round table he has. 

"Yes, briefly. I have her exactly where we want. So, you couldn't sleep?" He asked me, making me nod. "It was very difficult to try and fall asleep." I answered back with a small smile. "And why's that?" He asked and stepped closer to me. "Because of you." He knew what I meant, but he raised his right eyebrow, silently telling me that he wants to hear me say it. "You are constantly on my mind, Aleksander. Even if I try blocking it out, you still push through my thoughts and take up all the space. I cannot stop thinking about you." He put one hand on my cheek and moved my head up slightly. "Tell me what you want, Lucille. Tell me exactly what you want." He said in a demanding voice that sent all my nerves into overload. I knew exactly what he wanted to hear. But I wasn't going to say it just because it's what he wants. No, I want it too. "I want you, Aleksander. I need you. In every way possible." I said and leaned closer to his face. And then, without warning, he pressed his lips to mine. 

The kiss intense and a bit aggressive, but it was still filled with passion and love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I felt his hands travel down my body and past my behind, down to my thighs. Suddenly he gripped them tightly and lifted me up onto the table. I gasped in slight shock, allowing his tongue to slip inside, exploring every corner. I moaned at the feeling of having him this close. He parted from my lips and started trailing kissed down my neck, making me moan once more. I pulled him towards me, making him stand between my legs, but then he pulled away and looked at me. "Are you sure you want this? I will not do anything if you don't want to." He asked, making me smile at how kind he is with me. "I'm sure, Aleksander. I want all of you." I said as I put my right hand on his cheek. He smiled and kissed me again. But this time, he lifted me up and took me to his bed. And that night was filled with lust, passion and love. Everything I could've possibly imagined with him. 

A/N: Chapter 9!!!!!! Let's goooooo!! Sorry for not writing complete smut, but I feel like seeing as it's so early in the book, I feel like it shouldn't be here... But! I do hope that you all enjoyed the chapter. Love you all and look out for the next chapter tomorrow!! 

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